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I was actually really excited to go home. I missed my family, my friends, and my room. I missed the atmosphere in general. School was fun at times, and Keagan and I were finally in a decent place friendship wise, but it didn't stop me from longing for home.

My parents were happy to see me obviously. I was pretty close with them. They didn't have a huge welcoming for me but that was expected, it's not like I was gone for too long.

I think my sister missed me the most, she drew me a picture and gave it to me as soon as I walked in the door. It was sweet and made me feel almost guilty for leaving at all.

"So how is school going son? Good I assume?"

I smiled and nodded as I stopped piling my mom's lasagna in my mouth. It was hard to stop; I missed home cooked meals so much.

"Yea it's going great. Much different than high school but I like the challenge. I can't wait until next year when I'm able to take classes more into my major."

My dad nodded at me and smiled at my mother.

"We're so proud of you. We're really glad you're enjoying it, we just miss you a lot. Make sure you try and come home on more weekends, we'd really like that."

"Oh of course dad. I was just getting settled and stuff, now that I'm used to how it is there I'll be able to come here more often. I miss you guys too."

I wanted to visit more, it was just hard to go back and forth, with all the traveling involved and whatnot. Hey maybe they could come visit too, like get a hotel or something and see me after classes. That would be cool.

I hung out with my family for the first two days I was home, and then I made plans to hang out with Livvie and Russ. At first I wanted to go out and do something exciting and different, but then it started to rain and I changed my mind.

The rain didn't bother me but I knew Livvie wouldn't want to get her hair and makeup all messed up so I figured we could postpone our outdoor adventure.

I found it a little odd that it took Russ a while to answer my text, he was usually good with replying. I wanted to think there was no reason as to why but deep down I knew better.

Hey what's up?

Nothing much, was just wondering if you wanna hang out? Livvie's house?

Yea sounds good, I'll meet you there in ten

Livvie lived around the block from me so I walked there. Russ lived a town over so it didn't ever take him too long to get there which was nice. I guess I was really lucky growing up. I had both my best friends super close to me always, it was an awesome experience. And even though I'm away at school it still feels like the old days in a way.

Me and Livvie were just watching TV when Russ arrived. He was dressed differently, like Russ never cared much about how he looked but he had on a button down shirt and nice pants. It was weird, but he looked good.

"Where are you going, a job interview?" I said jokingly as I got up to hug him hello.

He didn't hug me back as tightly as I hugged him. He gave me a bro hug.

"No I didn't have anything else to put on. Do I look stupid?"

I shook my head.

"No not at all Russ. You look like a normal person, I like it."

At least I got him to half smile.

I knew something was up with him I just didn't know what. Livvie noticed it a while back but now that I was here I was witnessing it too. He was just not himself, his usual sarcastic awkward funny self.

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