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So today was a day for adventures. And by adventures I mean Keagan and I going to get my haircut, which turned into both of us basically chopping all of our hair off. I don't even know how I convinced him to cut his hair; I think I gave him puppy dog eyes or something. But nevertheless, we were balder than ever before. Okay that's an exaggeration, but hey, I'm still getting used to it.

Our other adventure was looking for a place to eat. Keagan pulled the 'we'll go wherever you want' card and then denied every place I mentioned. So that turned into us driving around for an extra 20 minutes trying to find a place that we both agreed on. Of course we ended up at a diner because Keagan couldn't live without pancakes in the afternoon. What normal person could?

I noticed that Keagan was... happy. Not that he wasn't before, but I just realize what a wide smile Keagan actually had. He was just in such a good mood; and I hoped that it was because we were finally in a perfect place but I couldn't say that for sure. All I knew was that a smile never looked so good on a person.

"Oh my god Keagan you have syrup all over your mouth," I said trying to keep myself from laughing hysterical at him.

He stuck out his tongue to try and get it but he failed.

"Why don't you get it off for me you jerk you're just sitting there watching me struggle!"

"Because it's funny!" I said before I leaned forward and kissed his syrupy mouth.

Then I got his napkin for him and wiped his mouth for him.

He was a child. But he was my child and I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I think I need to take this home, I'm so full. Besides, just watching you eat makes me even fuller. Like, where does all the food you eat even go? You're a twig."

I laughed and continued to eat my chicken Caesar wrap.

"You eat more than me I just eat slowly. Go ahead and ask for a box, I'm almost done. Then we can go back to the room and snuggle."

Keagan smiled and waved the waitress down in a nice way.

"Oh is that what we're doing when we get back? I don't have a say?"

I crossed my arms and fake pouted.

"Come on act like that's not what you want to do, I dare you- actually wait I don't, because you never refuse dares so I take it back! Just hush your mouth and cuddle with me."

Keagan laughed and put his money on the table to pay for both of us. I thought it was sweet for him to pay without saying anything.

I honestly had trouble believing that we were actually official. I've wanted to be Keagan's boyfriend for so long, and now I am. It's just an amazing feeling that I don't want to go away, like ever.

We have come such a long way. From basically annoying each other to no end to pouring affection down each other's throats. It's hard to imagine life without him at this point. I don't think I could be as happy with anyone as I am with Keagan right now. I could only hope that he felt the same.

"Alright come on let's go Jamie, our bed is calling us."

And I couldn't help but blush at the fact that both of our beds are now just both "our" beds instead of our own individual beds.


Keagan stroked my head and bit his lip.

"You look really good with shorter hair, you know that?"

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