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I wasn't ready to go back to school just yet. It still felt like Christmas time even though the holiday was way over with. A part of me was excited to go back because I'd finally be able to sleep with Keagan in one of our beds without having to feel like we were breaking any sort of rules.

I was going to miss my family and the lack of school work to do of course, but it was time to go back.

Watching Keagan trying to pack a bag was probably one of the most hilarious things in the world. He didn't fold one thing, so nothing fit in the bag, so he proceeded to smush everything down so he could attempt fitting more things inside. He also put the smallest things in first which made no sense; but I kept my mouth shut because god forbid I told him how to pack... he'd think I was trying to run his life.

My parents drove us to the airport since I still had my car at school. They walked us as far as they could before we had to say goodbye.

Keagan hugged my mom and sister, and shook my dads' hand. My mom looked sad to see us go, sadder than she had when I left initially. I was hoping that she thought of Keagan like a part of the family, because he was a huge part of my life at this point. I knew she cared about him, and I knew she was just as sad to send him off as she was to send me off again.

The airport was crowded, there were a lot of college kids going back to school around this time, and a lot of people were traveling during the winter. I looked around and saw families saying goodbye to their loved ones just like I was. My mind wandered off for a moment; I wondered where everyone was going. School? Back home? Off to boot camp? Who knew. Everyone was going somewhere. It was an emotional day it seemed.

"So you're not going to make fun of me for still being nervous to fly?" Keagan asked hopefully.

I smirked my way out of my thoughts and nodded.

"Nervous? I think you mean terrified. As soon as the plane takes off you're going to grip the armrest like your life depends on it. But no, I promise I won't say anything. Just because you're cute."

Keagan squinted his eyes at me and cut me to go ahead onto the plane. I laughed, but he was still in 'fake-mad' mode and just sat down at his seat.

I did think it was cute how Keagan was scared about flying. He wasn't scared of anything except that really. I'm sure he had other fears but he wasn't ever going to blurt them out to me. With time I was going to find out what else he was scared of.

Keagan did surprisingly well when we took off, much better than expected. He was definitely trying his best to contain his fear in front of me, so I made it a point to put my hand over his while he was pretending not to freak out.

I wasn't sure if he would try to shoo my hand away, but I did it anyway. And he let me.

Landing was much easier than taking off. Keagan was so happy to be back on the ground and safe from death for the moment.

He turned his phone off of airplane mode and studied his iphone for a few seconds.

"Expecting a call?" I asked, trying not to sound nosy.

He shook his head, but still was messing around with his phone.

"No, I'm trying to look at the weather. It's still early. I was thinking maybe we could go for a walk and grab dinner outside."

I smiled and bit my lip.

I was so glad that Keagan was still treating us like an... us. We talked about our status but there was still a lot of doubt in my mind that he wouldn't want much to do with me when we got back to school, so I was extremely happy that he was already thinking about something sweet to do.

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