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The vacation completely depleted the rest of the inheritance Jana left me, but thankfully Jamison's mom thought the trip was a necessity for he and I too so she pitched in quite a bit. Sadly but also luckily this meant that I would need to get a job when I got back to campus, because well... I would have nothing now. No money, no boyfriend, nothing. Just me and... Well myself, and lets face it, that was never really a good combination.

After we got back to campus and packed up all Jamison's things, he and I sat on the bed in silence for a while. Tomorrow I would be driving him to his new home. Honestly ten hours wasn't that far, but we were college students and a long distance relationship just wasn't ideal. I knew better than to believe we would work, he needed to grow, and he needed to experience life. His parents coddled him, and I've been doing just the same. Maybe he'd find a new boy to do it too, but I could only cross my fingers and hope that he does some self discovery in this new chapter of his life.

The trip was long to his university, but we had a day to spare since his mom insisted that I don't make the ten hour drive home on my own after such an "emotionally devastating" day. She also refused to let me sleep in my car, but that was neither here nor there. So we decided that he and I would stay at a hotel not to far from the university, I would take him there the next morning, and then we'd say our goodbyes after I got him settled inside.

We pulled off onto the side of the road periodically since Jamison refused to keep his naughty hands to himself; which I honestly didn't mind. I liked the idea of committing his entire being to memory, since realistically this would probably be the last time I'd see him.

He had this brilliantly naïve picture in his beautiful mind that he and I would see each other every break, and that there would be no one better than me waiting for him in that enormous school he was about to go too. I mean sure, MSU was big, but some how he managed to land me, so there was no telling what Princeton treasure he was going to land there.

The thought of it made my stomach turn, but I smiled up until we actually stood outside of the university. It was bigger than I ever imagined, the people walking around looked so scholarly and... I was really hoping this would be a dump. I was really hoping that all the talk of this Ivy League school was all just hogwash, but it was beautiful. It screamed Jamison, and he was going to love it here. There were people here who could keep up with his smart and witty self; there were people here who could connect with him on that intellectual level I just could never reach...

"I don't have to go. We could go back, and I could get reinstated back in Michigan and-"

"Jamie baby, you're going here." I said as I threw his bag over my shoulder. "This is your dream, and I'm not letting you give it up just because of me."

"I don't want to do this anymore! You mean-"

"No." I interrupted again. He was getting that panicky voice he always got before he started crying, and we hadn't even made it inside yet. This was hard enough as is; I really didn't want him to persuade me while the option still made sense. I needed to get him inside the building before I could sanely handle telling him no. That way the car wouldn't be so close and the hassle of bringing back his things would outweigh the momentary delusional mindset he might suck me into. "Jamison lets go inside and see how you feel there."

He nodded sadly in response, so I took the lead and we went inside. We stopped off at the welcoming center and picked up everything he needed. Since his (and many others) acceptance into the college wasn't a traditional freshman acceptance they had put together an orientation tomorrow for all the transfer students. Well... I don't think they just put it together, but they had one set up for all of them and I thought that was pretty cool. Today since we got her a day early he was allowed to get set up in his new room and just get situated in his room until his roommate got there either later today or tomorrow like most of the other students.

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