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I wasn't peeking; I swear to god I wasn't peeking, but who could blame me for looking?

A freshly showered Keagan comes out of the bathroom and... Holy shit. Let me just tell you... Woo.

I closed my eyes when I noticed that he was going to turn towards me after his towel had dropped, just to maintain an ounce of dignity in my self, but honestly... His back half was exciting enough.

"It's okay to look now." He laughed his voice unusually cheerful for the morning. "You're a terrible faker."

"You woke me up." I groaned as my cheeks flushed. I could be a perfect verbal liar but my face would always give me away.

"Well, it is noon and I would like to go shopping today. Christmas is coming up and papa needs some new cologne."

"Please tell me you're actually talking about like your dad or grandfather." I laughed, immediately regretting those words as I watched Keagan's facial expressions tighten up.

"No." He chuckled half heartedly. "I'm papa, and I need some smelly good shit."

"Well alright!" I said, trying to act as if I didn't notice how uncomfortable I just made him, because if there is one thing I know, playing ignorant is definitely the key with maintaining the peace with this man.

After I got dressed we left without a second thought. Keagan of course drove, but something was up. I couldn't tell what, but he just looked off.

"What's going on?" I asked, hoping he would glance over at me.

"Nothing." He sighed, and although he didn't look at me, I could see his fists tighten around the steering wheel, and that told me more than a facial expression ever could.

"Keagan, I'm sorry I said what I did earlier, but... Shit like that's just going to keep coming out of my mouth if you don't give me a concrete reason to actually avoid mentioning parental topics."

"You would have thought me telling you that I ran away and chose living with a woman I didn't even fucking know would be reason enough." He snapped. "Look, I'm not mad at you, okay? You have no reason to sensor yourself because I shouldn't even be upset. I just need to push the problem back out of my mind again."

We sat quietly for a few minutes, and I could tell just by how he was sitting that he wasn't relaxing any more than he had been a few minutes ago... So why not poke the badger a little more.

"Is that why you drink?" I deadpanned unashamedly.

"Yes, I drink to forget." I would have taken that seriously, but he said it in such an obnoxious tone that I had no doubt he was just trying to get me to shut up.

"And you sleep with every one because you have Daddy issues. It all makes so much sense now." Yep, I brought it there. I fucking did, and you know why? It needed to be said. He said I don't need to sensor myself, so I won't.

"You know what?" Keagan veered off the side of the road and parked so abruptly that I think we both might have gotten whiplash. "Fuck you Jamison, why the fuck are you talking like this? What the fuck has gotten into you? Oh wait, clearly no one has since the only guy who would fuck you pushed you so far out of his life that he can't even be gay anymore."

"That doesn't even make sense." I laughed. "Why don't you stop shifting the topic and be a man and stay on one about yourself. Or can little Keagan not handle that?" I don't even know why I was continuing with this now. What he said didn't hurt me, but the rise I was getting out of him was just... It was almost intoxicating.

My Roommate the Sex God Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon