Chapter 27 - Against All Odds

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Days passed, but the police never caught the culprit who threw the bricks and broke my window. I went back to the apartment the next day after the incident and had the broken glass fixed. I also requested window grills. However, I wasn't still safe...from threats and the press.

The dating rumor had resurfaced with stronger proofs. It had gotten out-of-hand! It was Dispatch that released the news first and every online news agencies and fan accounts followed. Pictures of me and Young Hyun kissing outside the restaurant on the day I met Marcus were posted and shared! They also learned about what happened with my window and people began to assume the two of us were living together, like WTF!

Years in this industry and I still couldn't understand why people love to feast over such things. And believe me when I say I couldn't get out of my apartment because of reporters waiting outside like hungry piranhas.

I called So Eun and told her my situation.

"Is it okay if you fetch me here and drive me to the filming location? I can't commute in this situation."

They already probably knew about the rumor. "PD-nim, JYPE requested to postpone today's shoot." I heard the urgency in her voice. "Uhm...The bosses actually wanted to see you now to talk about the issue. We'll send a vehicle to fetch you."

I felt my knees weaken. Was it the end of my career? Would they send me back to my country? What would happen to my contract? And Young Hyun?

Oh, Young Hyun...

I wanted to call him, but I knew I should not, so I remained still. I waited for anyone from their agency to call me and someone did. It was Jae.


"How's Brian?"

I heard him sigh, which made me worry more. "He and Manager Kim are in meeting with the higher-ups right now."

A meeting with the higher-ups only meant two things: either there's good news or you did something bad. I always got nervous about that kind of meeting.

"But tell me now honestly," Jae asked earnestly. "Are the two of you dating or not?"

We were not dating! We agreed not to label whatever we had as such.

"Have you asked, Brian? What did he say?"

"We haven't talked to him yet. He won't tell us, so I'm actually hoping that you would tell us."

I sighed and debated with myself. "We just love each other without any label. Is that a good enough answer?"

"Okay. We'll try to help you as possible."

"I'll sort this out on my end," I told him. "I don't want to ruin your career."

"Don't think like that." There he went in older brother mode again. "I told you that what feelings you share won't ruin any of you, but it's how you hold back. Listen, okay. We won't let anything bad happen to you and Brian. We'll help you get through this. That's what friends are for."

I cheered a little because of what he said. However, the dread I felt just bolted up when I saw CJ E&M's service vehicle stopped in front of the building. Mustering enough courage, I went out of my apartment and down the building.

The reporters and raging fans (yes, there were a handful of fans, probably sasaengs) tried to crowd me, but I was quick. I immediately went in the van before they could even get near.

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