5. 🔪

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Alexander ~

I was seated in my black tinted Mercedes-Benz on the other side of the road, waiting for Amelia-Rose to exit out of her workplace....brilliant idea, isn't it, I can get to know her by when she closes for work, who she hangs out with and not get caught due to the tinted windows- now am I smart or what!

I do need to make her a nickname though, saying Amelia-Rose it way too long for me and I haven't got the time for it.....Rose would do for now.

I carried on munching on my food with one hand while I held the telescope in the other- what? I don't know when she ends her shift, I'm gonna get peckish on the way obviously.

Chewing on the big chunk of my sandwich in my mouth, nearly chocking on it, I threw the remainder on the empty car seat fixing my binoculars as I watched the door opening seeing Rose come out the shop. She looked as if she was looking for something valuable as she continued to rummage through her bag.

My eyes then shifted to the clothes she was wearing and she was spotted in a pair of black leggings and a long cardigan that covered her ass. Her feet weren't visible enough to see since it was dark out and I couldn't make out of the top she was wearing as the cardigan hid most of it.

Rose started to turn a corner and that made me start my car up to see where she was going. I had to make sure if this was the girl that hopefully is the love of my life for all those years I haven't seen her, I needed to make sure that she was safe.

I drove, slow enough for her to not know that she was being followed......well I wouldn't say followed, more like making sure that she was safe in these streets.

I drove onto the dark side of the road as I turned the corner as I watched her get into her what seemed to be a black smart car. Giving myself seconds, watching her drive of calmly, I followed behind her giving a small amount of space to make sure where ever she was going (it better be home), she got there safe.

The drive took about twenty minutes to reach her house and to be honest, I was shocked at where she was living- I never suspected....well I never suspected anything of it. The neighbour looked so peaceful with no lights on, meaning everyone was sleeping.

Hearing the sound of a car door slam, I slammed away from the beautiful built houses and reached for binoculars to see where Rose was. She stalked to her door slowly barely picking up her feet- she must be tired as fuck. I carefully pointed my binoculars at her house door- now I needed to do this very carefully so I know exactly what door number she lives at so I can come and visit her more often.

Her presence was shortly lived when she entered into her house and slamming it shut. I automatically raced for my phone, not only to be able to guide my way back home, but I needed to register her address in my phone.


The next morning I was by her house, waiting for her to step out of the house. It took all my strength to not come out of my car and break into her house. Sitting in my car waiting for her wasn't doing anything for me. I wanted to watch her every movement: I wanna watch the way she walks, they way she talks. I wanna know what she does through her everyday life, outside the tattoo parlour, not waiting in my car for her.

Mentioning Rose's walk, she did have a certain pattern of movement on the way she walked similar to the caramel girl that was literally the love of my life. She walked like she didn't give a shit about other people that had negative comments to say towards her and she looked so unbothered doing it as well.

Another car came zooming down the once quiet street, parking outside of Rose's house. I instantly groaned, hissing my teeth as the inconsiderate person that thought it was a good idea to park there, blocked my view. To add on to that, it was a pale pink classic car and it had to be driven by a dumbass blonde girl.

I watched her carefully with my binoculars ready, waiting for the mystery person to come out....and by my assumptions, I was right in deed. She came out of the car, looking at herself in the car window before she popped her lips. Her bright blonde highlights shimmered in the sunlight as her pink sunglasses sat at the top of her head. She had on a white frilly sleeve crop top going with her pink denim skirt. She stepped modestly towards Rose's house- now this is where I nearly lost my goddamn mind.

What the fuck what she doing walking towards Rose's house? They couldn't be friends......nooooooo! What do they possibly have in common?

Waiting for Rose's door to open up, she appeared right in front of the blonde girl and her smile lit up. I couldn't make out what she was wearing but it didn't seem like she was wearing a lot. She proceeded to go and hug the blonde girl and it seems to me they have Waaaaaaayyyyyyy lot more in common then I thought.

My eyes went wide in shock as I watched Rose's hands fondle over the blonde girl's breast gladly, giggling. It's not that I have things against lesbians, I just never knew she swung that way at all....like shit if Rose is actually the one for me, I wouldn't mind being in a threesome with her, but at the same time I'm a man that wants to satisfy the love of my life to themselves.

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