32. 🔪

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Olivia ~

My blood started flowing through my mind again and followed by that was a ranging headache from the side of my head. Screwing my face with my eyes closed, I felt the tightening of my windpipe as if a band was still around my throat. It then hit me that when I thought I was being chocked 'sexually', I was being nearly strangled to death by Alex and shocked that I survived.

I felt a cold lash against my skin and not going to lie, it got me stimulated to a point where I wanted another lash. I didn't have the energy to open my eyes as yet but the way my neck was rolling against each lash, I wanted to touch myself.

Moving my arms- well trying to move them, they happened to be restricted as the thick...I'm guessing a rope was wrapped around my arms and the small movement I tried to make with my legs were restricted as well due to the rope wrapped from my waist to my ankles.

A sore hiss escaped from my lips as a much rather sensitive area was lashed- was I naked. This teasing had gone far than normal and I wasn't feeling pleasure anymore, I wanted to rid myself from this mistreatment.

"STOP!" I yelled out as my eyes fluttered open immediately

Stood before me was Alex- I had not an incline that it would be him giving me lashes- I thought I was taking into somewhere else like those Mafia books were the female is drugged/beaten and mysteriously waking up from a coma into another location.

Alex had a wicked smile on his face, analysing his statue clearly as he had no shirt on, exposing the colourful tattoos on his chest and arms. He had on black fitted jeans with no shoes on- did he have somewhere to go or something?

"How was your sleep Liv?...." he came up to me as he kneeled in front of me, putting his thumb on my bottom lip

I didn't know if this was a trick question because I was nearly close to my coming to Jesus.

"You know I won't bite Liv, why are you afraid of me all of a sudden- I thought you always liked being straightforward with me when it came to fucking me...." he chuckled and I knew something wasn't right with him at all

I didn't say anything back to him as he gave me one look before getting up and walking back to his designated area. Now coming to think about it, I have never seen this room before- the three years we fucked, I never even questioned or had any clue that this room even existed.

It was filled with all types of flabbergasting artwork- so that's where he keeps all his work....
But again something else was really off, apart from figuring out that something was wrong with Alex, but the multiple of photos with red marks, pinned against walls and held like a chain across the ceilings. Variety of drawings that seemed separate from his art work that he gets paid for, where all drawings of the same particularly person in many forms: younger to older. It was oddly shocking that the drawings looked like me, causing me to have a panic attack that he has been stalking me for quiet sometime...but that didn't make sense.

Why would he have multiple drawings and pictures of me if I've been by his side for so long? I had to come and visit him, thinking he was dead because he never called me for one month and it was a shocker that he announced he had a girlfriend that wasn't me.

One photo stood out to me evidently- well they were photos that had to come from the same day because they were taken from different shots. The photo that was the biggest out of all had a light skin girl with a orange bodycon dress that snugged at every curve she had (I would kill for that body). Her arms were hung at her sides with the tattoos visibly shown on both arms. My eyes travelled up her body as more tattoos appeared.

Now I've seen this Amelia-Rose girl just once but it wasn't like the last time I saw her was a century ago, it was two days ago and the similarities were looking all too similar from her facial features and the amount of freckles dotted all over her circular face. Her hair was what made the cut as my eyes widen due to a state of panic.

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