13. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

"And you still haven't hit as yet!" Jess expressed as she popped a sweet in her mouth

"Not everyone is like you Jess...remember that..." I reminded her

I don't even do this on the regular, but these couple of weeks, George has really been sweeting me up and honestly it's the most refreshing thing I've had for the longest time. It was also a different kind of care I was having, not saying black men don't care for their women like white men do, but based of my experience, I'm liking this swirling business and again I have to thank Jess for this.

"I don't know about him, but if I was in his position, I would've jumped your bones already...." Ivy joked

"Well, what can I say, my man has got patience" I batted my lashes vainly

"When he's around you he might be patient, but behind close doors, he's probably beating his meat just thinking about you......' Jess inserted

George beating his meat?.....hmmm I haven't thought about that one as yet.....

George doesn't walk around like his dick is big though, he's such a gentlemen.....but as the saying goes "A man in the streets, a freak in the sheets"........yeah it's a quote for the ladies but y'all get what I mean.

"Earth to Amelia-Rose!....." Ivy waves her hand in my face, snapping me out of my wishful thinking state

"She's probably thinking about how she's going to jump on top of his dick the next time she sees him....." Jess giggled as I rolled my eyes

She may not be wrong......

"Alright, let's play a game" Jess announced

"My livers are not going to look like livers after this...." I lowly groaned at the amount of drink I was going to consume

"You'll be alright" Jess reassured me

"Now go and get the drinks Lia!" Ivy shooed me out the living room

Of course she was eager.

As well as my livers dissolving in my stomach, my ears were going to bleed at the nastiness I would be hearing over the night if these shit gets 'Out of hand'. I've gotten used to the heavy drinks we take doing these challenges, they taste like water to the three of us which is very worrying. I don't know what part of the alcohol be hitting Jess and Ivy, but they do some ungodly things with each other- mind you, one time they started making out with each other right in front of me and next thing, Ivy was down eating her coochie and I had to exit the room. I wanted to scrape my eyes out so badly and cut my ears of. Jess was being so extra when she was screaming like she was receiving the best head in the world. The next morning, I came back and they had each other's residue all over them- I'm just so glad it was my house or those bitches wouldn't even be here today.

I came back out with the strongest drink I could find which was white rum- I tell you, that shit is like acid, so it's right for the game we're playing.

"Um, what game are we playing this night?" I asked knowing it's going to be dirty but just to prepare myself

"Truth, dare or drink!" Jess smiled in my face as I placed the shot glasses and the two bottle of white rum on the table "you know the rules......" I poured the liquid in each shot glass

"Okay I'm going to ask the question first....truth or dare, remember if you don't answer the truth or do the dare, you have to drink up" Jess said

"I'm going for Truth, you going for truth Ivy?" I asked her

"I wanted dare but truth would do...." of course she would say that, just a chance to get freaky with Jess

"Truth it is...." we both agreed

"Okay....When was the last time you masturbated?" Jess asked

"A couple of hours before I got here....you?" Ivy answered confidently

"Now we don't have to answer for Lia....." Jess snidely said as I shot her a look

"W-what! I don't masturbate!" I shot

"Stop lying or take the drink" Jess said

"I'm not lying, I've been on a very long-"

"Drink up bitch!" Ivy cut me off

"Fine.....but I don't finger myself......" I muttered as I downed the harsh drink down my throat

Oh my chest!

"Since you lost that round, I'm going to give you a dare to do...." Ivy started smiling slyly "you....Miss Taylor, is going to get a bare of blindfolds and put them over your eyes while my hands get frisky......."

"Ivy there is no way in hell i'm going to let you feel all over as if I don't have a man innocently thinking of me" I stopped her but her facial expressions read 'I don't care'

"Well he's technically not your man as yet......" Jess chimed in

"Jess no!" I was shocked at her betrayal

"Drink up bitch, or let me please you....." Ivy stated

"Imma pour myself another drink....." I got the rum and pour it into my shot glass

"Ugh, you're no fun!" Ivy groaned


As I suspected, Ivy and Jess was getting their freak on as per usual- I can literally hear the over exaggerated moans from their drunk asses.

I was laying on the floor, drunk out my ass and I was contemplating joining in for some strange reason....or maybe I was just horny and I needed some type of release.




"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed out with all my might

If police come by because 'Karen' couldn't get her sleep, I'm snaking their asses.

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