22. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

The bell must've sounded as the door opened. I looked up to see Alex and then looked back down and continued into my drawings.

I wonder what tattoo he wants now.

"Hey...." his presence was now closer to me. I looked up and gave him a small tight smile

"Well what tattoo can I do for you today?" I asked him politely


"Actually........" I mocked his sentence

"Actually I didn't come here for another tattoo, I just-"

"You're not going to leave me alone until I say yes to go on a date with you?" I assumed ".....you know I got a boyfriend....." I was lying like a motherfucker

"Oh really......show me what he looks like then?" He cocked his brow in a way that made me second guess if I should do as he told me or not

"I'm working, I can't use my phone at the moment" I told him

"I'll sit and wait until you're done with your shift and then you can show me...." he gave me a cheeky smile before walking back to find himself a seat

I carried on with what I was doing for the next half an hour and I really thought he was just messing with me. I really thought in the next two minutes during his wait, that he was going to bother me or leave, but the nigga really sat there and waited for me.

"Aight look I lied, I don't have no man....." I gave in as a small smile appeared and he climbed out of his seat and walked straight to me

"You really had me waiting for twenty eight minutes and four seconds....." he spoke and my eyes went wide- he really counted the time he waited there accurately......

"Two minutes and fifty six seconds more would've made up thirty minutes" I retorted the same weirdness back to him

"Hmm.....I like the way you think....." he stares directly into my eyes and so did I. His blue eyes were very easy to get distracted in, now usually I would've found it incredibly weird like I did the last couple of times

"So.......that boyfriend you lied to me about......." he spoke as I snapped out of reality

"Well actually, I did have a boyfriend but things just didn't work out"

"And you didn't want to give me a chance because......"

"Because I had that 'men are trash' mentality"

And the fact that he was giving me weird vibes when we approached each other.

"If you let me take you out this Saturday, would you still think all men are trash?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow- waiting for my reply probably

He's not an ugly man- a matter of a fact, he's even more finer that I see him most of the time. The occasional heys and maybe a little bit of conversation- but that isn't my issue. Alex has a weird aura about him, like he looks like the type of dude that has a lot of surprises stored within him. Probably why Jo gives Alex mysterious glances, maybe she knows something I don't.

"You can take me out-" I watched as his eyes lit up "But.....if I don't enjoy myself, don't try and beg me for a second date because I'll flat up decline you"


Alexander ~

Days had went by and it was already the weekend, meaning that it was officially my date with Rose. Oh how long I've dreamed about this moment, even if I had to wait for seven long years, it was definitely worth it.

And didn't I mention, she gave me her phone number as well. She texted me that she was going to be driving herself to the destination- it was expected of her to do so since her first date with George, she drove herself to the date.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I had on my best pair of black ripped up jeans and a white dress shirt that was buttoned down to see the visible chest tattoos. I hate dressing formal from head to toe so I had to change it up a little bit and still look presentable but edgy at the same time.

Running a hand through my curly long hair, I imagined what Rose was probably wearing and I automatically went hard. The orange dress she wore still gave me flashbacks on how fitted she looked in the skin fitting outfit. If she was to wear a dress like that to our date, I don't know if I'll be able to control myself.

Grabbing everything that I would need with me, I ran down the stairs and opened the house door so I could be on my way, but the shock of Olivia stopped me.

"Ohhhh you're trying to dress all formal and shit so I can tear you up extra specially....." Olivia was about to run her fingers down my exposed chest but I stopped her

"Stop, I'm going on a date" I told her as she screwed her face

"A date?" She asked

"Yes- yes a date...."

"Well I bet that bitch can't fuck you like I can but have a great time" she slyly said as my blood started to boil

She was talking about the love of my life as if she was a piece of trash. I wanted to drop everything and beat her up- how can she talk about Rose like that?

I simply ignored her and walked to my car- she was probably surprised that I didn't give her a reaction, but that was what she wanted. I would've entertained her shit and she would've said something inappropriate and all common sense would drain out my head as I would've ended up forgetting the date and letting Olivia suck me off.

I nearly forgot that I had a book to update, but I hope you enjoy this chapter😊

The next chapter will be published on Monday!

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