48. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

Hot tears were streaming down my face and quickly stopped as Alex entered back into the basement. I wasn't scared for my life which was shocking but scared for Ivy's when I saw the bloody knife held in Alex's grip.

I heard Ivy's shouts and to be honest, I didn't think she was even going to get this far, to risk her life to find me- I hope if I ever make it out alive that she'll be alive also.

Back to my focus as Alex came closer towards me, I was strapped to this chair- there was no way of getting out of it at all. The tape wrapped around my wrists and ankle had to be stronger than the handcuffs I was strapped to the table leg earlier on- it still surprises me on how I got out of them in the first place.

I figured there was no point on fighting anymore as my muffled screams from the tape weren't going to alarm anyone else that I needed help. All I wanted was to be loved and happy, but this is what I get, all because I didn't see the red flags in the first place, I am here, tapped to a chair while he tortures me to death.

Alex removes the tape from my lips, finally get a chance to breathe properly.

"Your friend Ivy...Ivy, she came to visit you and said she'll not leave without seeing you..." he told me as he walked behind me "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you, I'd be dumb to get rid of the love of my life..."

He needs to get his head out the clouds, I already told him how I felt, and he won't fucking get it to his head that I'm nothing to him!

I felt the knife ripping apart from the black electrical tape from my wrists as my hands were finally free. Next, the tape was removed around my waist- like what the fuck was he thinking wrapping tape around my waist, thinking that was going to do anything. He already had my legs and arms taped to the chair, what good could my waist do?

Soon my legs were free, and I could, of course, stretch them out, but Alex had other plans for me, and he had a knife, I was not going to get up and try to fight him when he stabbed Ivy God knows where.

Alex took my hand and dragged my lifeless body out of the basement, through the hallways and looking at the floor, I saw droplets of blood leaving a trail. I was just as scared and shocked as Alex, but he was shocked for all the wrong reasons.

"Where the fuck is she?" Alex shouted "I had a surprise for her and this is what she does- runs away" He complained

"Well I was going to give you a choice to live but-"

I let out a blood wrenching scream as I heard a gunshot out of nowhere feeling the blood plaster onto me. I was supposed to drop on the floor, but the bullet didn't hit me- it didn't even scratch me. I'm so slow at what is happening at the moment when I heard a thump on the ground, turning around seeing Alex stone cold with the knife he had in his hand on the ground and blood spilling out from his right eye- I just wanted to know where that bullet went. Then my heart sank when I saw Ivy- Ivy as in my best friend Ivy...as in the same ghetto Ivy that would bang on the door so loudly, laying stone cold on the floor also. That was when my eyes really opened and hit me on what the fuck was happening.

I never thought this life was a movie too begin with...I wanted it to be though, I wanted it to be all a bad dream, but sadly it couldn't be one.

I was going to step over to her, but I heard doors opening like crazy and probably windows shattering as well. I stood still and blocked out all the noise and commotions that was going on around me. All these big tall men in uniform came out with guns and their gears, raiding the house- I was unphased by it. I blocked out Jess's commotions thanking god that I was okay only to turn into blood-curling screams when she saw Ivy laying lifeless while on the ground- she bled to death I saw when her shirt was stained with blood on her stomach. Jo was here as well, and she tried to shake me out of my state, but none of that was happening at all as everything around me was happening in slow motion.

Jess sounded like the Jess I had never heard or seen before. I could see the tears, turning into waterfalls as she repeatedly shook Ivy, asking for help and screaming until her throat was sore. I had never seen her this distraught in my life, and it was a stab to my heart seeing her like this also. Tears started rolling down my face at the words of confession that were spewing out of Jess's mouth...she had feelings for Ivy.

I fucking hated the fact they were checking over Alex- that bastard caused everything, he should be left there to rot- I fucking hate him, and I'll always will. I don't give a fuck about 'Hate' being a strong ass word. I stand by my words and decisions. All fucking thanks to him, I will never learn to love again, I lost my best friend because of him, and it should've been me that he killed instead of her, I got her involved in this because I was too quick and naive to move on from George and 'Fall in love' with 'Mr Right'. I should've done more when it came to George, and nobody would've got hurt- Olivia would've never got hurt if I had never run my mouth to Alex if that was what I knew he was capable of killing in the first place. I should've listened to Jo when she told me there was something dodgy about Alex...Hell, I should've stayed in art school.

Everybody would be alive today if I had never let Alex enter my life.

Getting lost in my guilt, I didn't even realise that I was being stretched into a stretcher and carried outside with a big crowd of people watching- it was so embarrassing. My breathing froze when I saw them also wheeling Ivy into another ambulance. I could tell it was her by her petite stature being wrapped with sheets over her. It couldn't be and didn't want it to be- she may have looked dead, I didn't want her to die. It was too early for her to die like that and she shouldn't have to die because of a situation I could've prevented- I should've listened the first time when Alex told me that his basement was being renovated, Ivy would still be alive right now, even if I risked my lack of knowledge of not knowing the dickhead I was dating was a stalker.

They wheeled me into the ambulance, and although I wasn't injured, I felt like I was- I felt like my whole life coming to an end, and there was no reason for it to be. I was surrounded by the paramedics asking me all sorts and talking all sorts, and I couldn't cooperate with them one bit. Feeling my eyes flutter back and forth, once again everything was happening in slow motion as I saw retrieval of equipment being passed back and forth and an oxygen mask was placed over my mouth. Before you even knew it, I passed out and saw darkness.

A bit Depressing🥺😢

Also, I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New.🎄

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