Thank You & New Book

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Now, unfortunately, this book has come to an end and to everyone that has found this book, added them into your libraries, commented and voted- I can not tell you how appreciated I am to have such loyal readers, and I'm so glad you have enjoyed this story. may have enjoyed it, but I didn't, and as a writer that writes for fun, I should be able to give myself criticism and be honest with what I think of my own writing- right?....

The first time reading this book, I mentioned that I was heavily inspired by the Netflix series 'You' (I need a season 3 ASAP!). I started planning for this book straight away, and I got excited writing and releasing this the first part though. The second half of the book, I don't know what it was, like was is it due to all the work I had piled up? Or the lack of people reading my book, or just losing motivation to continue writing this book made me uninterested. I found myself judging myself harshly and wanting to delete this story at some time- I ended up taking pauses from writing this book, but got right on track. I still didn't enjoy writing this book because I wasn't in love with this story any more and it became like a homework task for me to complete- like I had to get it out there because other people were reading.

However, I am very grateful that I never deleted it and knowing there were readers on this app that have fallen in love with the story that kept me releasing more chapters. I am very thankful that y'all also bared with me throughout my slow updates- I like writing but I can't dedicate my whole life to it just as yet, as I do need to gain a good education to go far in places.

Maybe book 2......

Talking about Books, I have a book that I have started writing at the beginning of lockdown called "Posh Idiots", and I am looking forward to releasing it. Probably, next year or when I get around to finishing the book I will publish the story as 2021 is looking very ghetto for me due to all these exams and hopefully getting into a good uni.

I'll give out some hints...It is going to definitely be a BWWM, that may or may not turn into a book series.

The book will also feature Sam Claflin obviously as I have strangely developed a liking for him- I don't know what it is, but I like how carefree and humble he is and reading more about him, you'd be able to relate to him in some way.

Also, Sam Claflin is in 'The Riot Club'- get to watch the film, so you can get a good understanding of his character, Alistair Ryle. Like you don't have to watch the film as it'll be explained in my book, but I recommend watching the film, to get an understanding of upper-class Britain in the top university in England- Oxford University.

And one last thing, be prepared for a lot of HEAT!

Don't put 'HIM' in the archive as yet as I will be updating this book again to announce the day 'Posh Idiots' will be released. To get more updates on when chapters or stories are being released as well, just hit the follow button and I may be nice enough to follow back.

Overall, thank you for reading this book, and hopefully, I'll see you, readers, again in my next book!

~Next time, Mylittlethingx

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