49. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

"The funeral was nice..." I commented while resting my head back on the headrest of the car seat.

"I hope you're not blaming yourself for what he did" Jess spoke.

I find it very surprising how Jess can be so calm after everything that took place. The stages of grief she was in- we spent the whole two weeks crying out eyes out. It seems she has no tears left to cry, coming to acceptance. Me on the other hand, I try to talk here and there to stop myself from thinking about the pent up guilt that was in me.

"Whether his ass killed her or not, I know I could've prevented the whole situation..." I sighed

"Well, you know for the future what to do and not what to do."

"Yeah- to never fall in love, so I don't have to lose another best friend" I released a dry laugh "Jess?..."


"Are you okay?" I turned to look at her "...Like this is a genuine question- you're too calm for me."

"I'm not okay Lia, I'm hurting like hell. I have come to terms that it's okay. I can't spend time mopping over Ivy as if that's going to bring her back. Ivy would've told me to cut the crying shit out right now."

"We're gonna get through this hopefully..."

We exited out of my car and into my home. I haven't been home since Ivy died, and this was the first time I ever stepped foot into the cold building. It was a home that I loved. I can't enjoy the warmth anymore knowing that it won't be me, Jess and Ivy meeting up to go out anymore. It won't be the same without hearing Ivy's loud ass, knocking on my door, or knowing that Ivy is always going to be a couple of blocks away. They've probably planned to resale her home now, knowing that she's dead.

I think it's safe that I will be moving somewhere, probably out of the states, or I'll just hire a bodyguard or someone to watch over me for safety- actually, fuck that. I'm not in the right mind to trust any strangers, and in terms of knowing what happened to Alex, I don't even know if he's dead or alive. I would have to constantly be on the lookout for his ass if he is living. No matter where I move, he'll find me and potentially kill me.

I can't move back home- my parents don't know I dropped out of art school. I wouldn't have anywhere to go if I was to fake this how college life to them- and the tattoos and piercings as well- how the fuck would I be able to hide all that from them. I could tell them the truth, but they'll say if I had stayed in art school, none of this would've taken place, which doesn't make sense because Alex has been stalking me way before I moved to California.

Ohh and if Alex is alive and realises I do not reside in my home, he'll go back to his old house in Atlanta and find me there.

I might have to pull a Rose from titanic and go under a new identity just for my safety of living.

Alex made me hate my name- he made me wished I was never given a double-barrel name. I cringe at the name every time I remind myself "Rose" is apart of my birth name. It was a name so symbolic given to me that was taken, used for his advantage and will haunt me for the rest of my life.

Alex ~

Finally, they let me out of this fucking shithole!

I don't know why they even had me isolated from everyone else- I wasn't dangerous...was I?

Anyways I am currently blinded in my right eye and, I wished I was dead. I was lucky though because I managed to be put in a mental constitute than being behind fucking metal bars 24/7.

It was my first time, being able to socialise with everyone after being locked in here for five months- I'm awaiting trial they say but might limit my prison sentence if I get on only if they see improvement in my behaviour.

"YO tattoo freak...get the fuck over here!" I heard a rather angry voice and paid it no mind

It couldn't be happening again...could it?

"YO, I AM TALKING TO YOU!" The voice growled again, and I had no choice but to turn to make contact

"Me..." I pointed at myself, and he nodded

I looked around the lounge as everybody else was just chilling minding their business, as I walked over to the man that was calling me over. He had a bald head, and I wouldn't say he was overweight- it could be the muscles that made him appear big. He had a nasty gash on his upper eyebrow- stare at it for too long and it'll make you feel uncomfortable for a very long time- and it's doing that right now as I'm starting to get disgusted and itchy just thinking about it.

"Have a seat..." he gestured, and I took his word for it "I haven't seen you here before, what's your name kiddo?" He asked

"A-Alex..." I stumbled over my words for some strange reason

"Kevin..." He introduced himself "Alex....you don't look like you belong here, how'd you end up in here..."

"They said I had Erotomania- stalker syndrome, which I find that hard to believe. They said my tendency to kill has increased massively and said I was a big threat to people here. They had me isolated from everyone for the last past five months I have a pending court case after I am released..."

"Hmm...may I ask you, what happened to your eye?" He asked

He was asking too many questions and already pissing me off...and this is why they had me locked up for five months.

"A particular someone who has now sadly passed away tried to get in the way of my wife, and she shot me in the back of my head, causing the bullet to go right through my right eye."

I'm fucking glad Ivy's dead- she would be alive today if she had never interfered in what Rose and I had going on which was special. Talking about Rose....oh how I'm going to surprise her when I come out of this shithole- I know she's a very...very...smart girl and is probably out of the state by now, I'll doubt she would hire a restraining order once I'm out- she'll never. I'll step out the boundaries no matter what.

Rose meant what she said when she didn't want to fuck with me ever again, But I also meant what I said when I said I'll never lose her again also...

The End

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