34. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

"You know, you didn't have to do all of this just for me, but I appreciate it" I smiled at Alex as we were walking to his car

I wish the date wasn't over though, I really did enjoy the little snacks he put together- it's a lot better than the fast-food foods that I buy because most of the time I don't have the energy to prepare lunch myself.

"It was nothing...as long as I've made you happy, that's all that matters to me" he responded

As soon as we reached to his dark blue Toyota, Alex quickly ran to the passenger side, unlocking the car with his car keys. He opened the door for me and I thanked him, getting in as he closed the door after me. I could've done all of that myself but that's probably due to getting used to hanging around niggas that don't know how to treat a woman properly.

Alex got in on his side and started up the engine. Low music was playing as per usual as the journey started back to my work place.

Thoughts travelled back into my mind at my outburst at Alex last night. I felt really bad for being stern on him while on the phone and I didn't mean to scare him. I didn't even mean to show out at him like that, it's just the bad experiences I had with boys in the past, reasons why I don't like to allow men into my life as much now. Just like how I thought George was a good one for me and he just up and left like that. Just looking at Alex, I can't believe I actually thought he would entertain other bitches behind my back and he went out just to take me on beautiful picnic. Alex deserves way more better if I keep on letting my insecurities from the past get to me.

"Umm....about yesterday, I'm sorry for yelling at you on the phone last night." I apologised

Alex chuckled before he gave a response "don't worry, If roles were reversed, I would've been pretty agitated myself..."

So he sees where I'm coming from then.

"Hmm...I just don't want to have to go through the hassle of dealing with a side hoe because I've done that too many times..."

"A side hoe? Who broke your heart Rose?" He asked with a chuckle

"I wouldn't say heartbroken because I've never been in a deep relationship before, but there have been many talking stages that I've had which could've worked out, but there was always this 'other girl' "

"You've never been in a relationship before?" Alex asked

"Nope and you may be the first one so you need to play your cards right" I warned him

And I mean it because I really haven't got the time and I will go back to being single and letting my fingers do the business than a man.

"You yelling on the phone last night was a warning enough for me to never overstep those boundaries when it comes to respect and loyalty..."

He has a way of words.

"Have you ever been in a relationship before?" I asked him

"No" he responded

"So Olivia was just your play thing and nothing more?" I asked. I already know the answer but just for extra evidence

"Just a play thing..."

"Damn!" I said in shock "you seem to be someone who has experience as you haven't pissed me off as yet and everything you are doing is right"

"I think it's more on when a man really likes you, he will put his all into that one girl"

"And since you like me so much, when will I be able to see all- and when I mean 'all' I mean where you keep all your art work." I asked as I saw we were nearly close to my workplace " I remember when you showed me some of your drawings, but that was only like two"

"Hmm....Are you free on Saturday?" He asked me

"I thought you'd never ask" I laughed "I'm free all Saturday and Sunday weekend...that's only if that's okay with you of course...."

"Hmm....I have to see about that-"

"But you just asked me-"

"I'm just messing with you..." I rolled my eyes playfully "...I can show you all my art work if you like, but you can't go in to where I keep them all-" he said as I screwed my face curiously

"And why is that?" I asked

"I'm.......I'm getting the art room renovated..."

"Are you lying to me?" I cocked my brow

That's seems fishy to me....

"No! Why would I lie to you..." he responded "its just that some furniture in the basement has been rearranged in places they are not supposed to be in at the moment...." I was waiting on more things for Alex to say but it looked like that was it

"Okay..." I shrugged my shoulders

Alex turned around the corner and there I was, outside my workplace wishing this today was my day off. I love my job and all, but as I stated earlier on, I enjoyed spending time with Alex- it's almost like I can't go a day without being with him which is strange of me but oh well.

"I'm going to need twenty dollars..." Alex said as he parked the car

"You are funny..." I laughed sarcastically, getting myself together

"Hmm....I'll call you later, alright..." he reminded as I nodded

I leaned over to his side to give him a goodbye kiss that turned more into a heavy make out session. If it was for the sudden heat that had rushed over me, I would've forget I had a job to get back to.

"Alright, alright I've got work, don't make me late." I pulled away instantly

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