24. 🔪

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Amelia- Rose ~

My phone rang just as soon as I got out of bed and I could also here a knocking sound from my door downstairs.

"BITCH OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW, I GOTTA KNOW THE JUICE!" I instantly recognised Ivy's barking and it was like the ringing on the door was getting even louder

I picked up my phone which was buzzing with Jess's number clear on my phone screen "Why the fuck are you calling me, it's 10 in the morning I'm tired as fuck!" I growled, making my way down the stairs to get to Ivy

"I wouldn't have any time to call you later on-"

"Oh it's that dick appointment that's why you won't be free" I assumed

"Actually no but......"


"This bitch- look Jess give me a second...." I paused, opening up the door "look-"

"Finally, you're just going to continue to let me embarrass myself in this predominantly white neighbourhood" Ivy walked right into my house. I would have never had let her to that, but I'm tired.

"I am shocked that none of these Karen's has reported on you as yet" I closed the door

"Who you talking to? Ivy?" Jess spoke up from the other line

"Yeah, her loud ass is here" I rolled my eyes

"So how was your date with the tattooed freak!" I heard Ivy's mouth from the kitchen as she literally made herself comfortable. I followed her voice and ended up in the kitchen seconds after

"Yeah, tell us how your date was...." Jess chimed in

"Who you on the phone to?" Ivy asked as she went looking into the fridge

"Jess" I mouthed out

"Put her on speaker phone" Ivy ordered "Heyyyyyyyy Jess, what's up!" She hyped up

"Ivy, good morning to you too- now spill the beans Lia!" Jess got back to the subject

"Alright, okay..." I took a deep breath "I wasn't thinking about George when I was with Alex which was actually a good thing because I felt myself at ease with him. He's definitely my type though- ohhh if you saw what he was wearing in the date....." I started biting my lip

"Ohhh girlllllllll I bet you were wet just staring at him" Ivy bursted out as my eyes went wide and I heard Jess cackling on the line

"Well I wasn't but I didn't view him as weird anymore- he would always come to the tattoo parlour and outside of my workplace when I would see him, he would always give me that weird look in his eyes- like his eyes just froze straight out on me..."

"So he's not weird just like that then?" Ivy thought I was telling a joke as she looked in the cupboards for pans

"Exactly, wasn't early this week he was timing himself on how long he was waiting for you- what was the exact time again?"

"I believe it was 28 minutes and four seconds..." Ivy answered her question as I rolled my eyes

"Haha, very fucking funny..." I rolled my eyes "but besides from that, we actually ended up having a lot of things in common- like we both have a love for tattoos and art. The tattoos he has though are actually designs of his drawings and I was really impressed with them- they were better than my drawings. Alex also told me that he would show me the rest of his drawings....but that's only if we start seeing each other more."

"And by the looks of it, it seems y'all finna be seeing each other a lot more often....." Ivy wriggled her brows

"But like, what's his personality like? You had sex with him?" Jess asked

"Jess I don't fuck men I meet up with on the first date and you know that." I told her "second, besides maybe the weird personality that he may or may not have anymore, he's funny, he likes a little bit of a challenge- like he almost felt confident that me and him would get along in the future, he even started giving me the nickname Rose and nobody doesn't call me by that name"

"Next thing you know you'll be caring his babies sooner or later- they way he's talking about the future with you like that, watch out sis, Issa trap!" Ivy Joked, placing a strip of bacon on the frying pan

"Ain't nobody gonna trap me- and I'm way too fucking young to have kids!"

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