Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

 Sorry for long wait...but here we go :) I think you guys will enjoy this chapter!

"Hey!" Sofia yelled to me, coming up with her lunch tray.

I flashed a quick smile. “Finally you absolute slowpoke. How long do you take to walk from the science building to the lunch room? It’s barely 10 metres away from each other!”

Sofia rolled her eyes. “Suck it up, dramarama. Let’s snag a lunch table-quick!”

We hurried over and snagged one before a group of drama kids could. The leader gave us the stink eye and then dramatically tossed her hair over her shoulder before stalking off.

“Talk about a dramarama,” I commented, taking a sip of my Diet Coke.

Sofia nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw James climb onto the top of his jock table.

“Omigosh, what embarrassing stunt is my brother pulling off now?” I muttered, dumping a pickle out of my cheeseburger.

“ATTENTION, ATTENTION!” James yelled, his loud deep voice echoing around the now quiet lunchroom.

“Oh God, kill me now,” I groaned, burying my head in my hands.

“Okay, I got your attention,” James said, slowly. “And by the way, this isn’t a stunt.”

My head popped up. Really? What else could it be? Um...a speech saying...he was grateful for everyone’s support of Mum and stuff? Nah...that was history now...

“I don’t normally do this sort of thing-but this girl is someone that I’m mad about,” James said, making me wonder who he was thinking about. Was this some sort of dare his stupid friends put him up to?

“Ugh, I’m gonna go,’ Sofia said, tossing her paper bag into the garbage bin and grabbing her juice bottle. “I think I’m gonna puke if I stay any longer.’

I nodded in sympathy. It would probably feel horrible if the guy you liked declared his love for some other girl (most probably a bimbo sl*t). I hated my brother so much for putting Sofia under all this pain. But I guess it wasn’t really his fault.

“See ya,” I whispered.

Sofia smiled, sadly at me, before spinning on her heel and heading towards the exit.

Suddenly, James spotted Sofia sneaking out, and his eyes popped out. He leapt off the table, and rushed over to Sofia, grabbing her wrist.

“Sofia, where are you going?” he asked, urgently.

Sofia smiled, bitterly. “Like you freakin’ care. Now get your dirty hands off me.”

She shrugged his hands off, shooting him a deadly glare. Okay, I was SUPER confused right now.

James’s face saddened. “Well...I guess you don’t like me back then.”

A gasp erupted around the lunch room. I was literally frozen. To my seat.

SOFIA was the girl JAMES was declaring his LOVE for? Well, this day was getting weirder and weirder!

Sofia’s face was ghastly pale and she was frozen to her spot. “W-What?”

James smiled, sadly. “I’ve been crazy for you Sof. Ever since that time when we were kids, when you kicked that guy who was bullying me in the guts and threatened to tell his mummy what he did to me. I turned to player ways when I realised you could never like me. We were good friends-nothing more.”

I grinned. That sounded just like Sofia. She was tough and could be deadly if anyone got in her way.

Sofia glanced at me. I gave her a look-plainly saying “TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL, WOMAN!”

“I...,” Sofia started. “I’ve liked you...for a long time too. It was when we were good friends that I started feeling different...and then you turned into a player, and you had thousands of pretty girls-prettier than me-to pick. I knew I didn’t stand a chance.”

James stepped closer to her, and gently placed his hand on her chin, tilting her face to meet his gaze. “That’s not true. You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever met- apart from my sister-

He glanced at me, winking, and I laughed and winked back, tracing a heart in the air.

“-and I would pick you over any one of them,” he finished.

A giant smile spread on both of their faces.

Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that bimbo Michelle grabbing a pizza off someone’s tray, glaring daggers at Sofia. Oh no, this wasn’t going to end pretty.

I had to stop this loser.

Just before she stalked past me, I stuck my foot out.

She let out a huge, high-pitched screech and went plunging down onto the ground. The pizza soared up in the air, and smashed back down on her.

The lunch room burst into laughter, crowing and pointing at her.

Literally everyone took out their phones and started taking videos and pictures, posting them on Facebook and Twitter.

Michelle glared at me, her mouth twisting into a huge ugly frown.

I smiled, sweetly back. “Cheers.”

When I glanced back at Sofia and James, they both shot me a grateful look-before starting to kiss. It was starting to feel like some romance movie.

I sighed. Except it wasn’t my romance movie. It was Sofia’s.

Troy hadn’t been at school for ages and ages.

I bet he was skipping just to not see me. Instead of feeling happy for Sofia and my brother, I started to feel miserable, and I buried my head into my hands, tears forming in my eyes.


Short...I know. Oh well, at least it was something...and Sofia and James are TOGETHER!


Sorry for the wait...I went on a holiday =D




peaceanddisaster xx




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