Chapter Ten (Picture of Audrey Lewis)

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Chapter Ten




I pushed the random girl against the wall, and started making out with her.

“Dude, we got training!”

We both groaned. I pushed the girl off me, and glared at Benny, who was standing there.

“Man, way to interrupt,” I sighed, brushing my shirt down.

The girl fakely smiled at me. “Don’t worry baby, call me and we can continue from where we left off.’

She quickly tapped her number into my phone, and then skipped off, mouthing ‘call me’

I smirked. Yeah, I was going to delete that number in a matter of seconds. I never chased up girls-I let them come chasing after me. I turned back to Benny.

“Sorry man, but you know how Coach gets,” he told me, putting his hands up.

I waved a hand, dismissively. “Nah, don’t worry dude. She wasn’t really a good kisser anyway.”

We started walking to the oval.

“So think you’re ever gonna settle down?” he asked.

I raised an eyebrow. “Settle down? What weird things are you saying, dude?”

Benny sighed, rolling his eyes. “As in settle down with a long-term relationship. A girlfriend.”

Girlfriend. I shivered at that word. Girlfriend. Girlfriend.

That meant looking after and caring for someone.

That also meant showing love.

I shivered. No. Not again.

“No way dude,” I said, firmly. “I don’t do relationships.”

(Ooooh, are you guys wondering about what happened to Troy’s past? You’ll find out soon :) )



“Hey, what do you want to do?” I asked, dumping the shopping bags on the carpet of my room.

Sofia stretched her hands. “I have no idea. All I know is that I am EXHAUSTED from walking around the shopping mall, and I totally need to relax.”

I shrugged. “A movie?’

Sofia yawned. “Sure. Whatever.”

We headed downstairs by the elevator, and entered our giant living room.

I pressed a button, and a part of the wall spun around, and it became a shelf-with thousands of movies and TV Shows.

“So?” I asked Sofia.

Sofia glared at me. “It’d take a FORTNIGHT to pick a movie!”

I sighed. “Then just randomly pick one.”

Sofia strode up to the shelves, and shut her eyes. Then she picked a DVD out.

“What is it?” I asked.

Sofia showed me the cover. “Whip It.”

Pretty good movie.

“Okay, I’ll put it in,’ I said, grabbing the DVD off her.

I put the DVD in, and Sofia went off to make popcorn and grab two Fantas.

15 minutes into the movie, we heard the door open. Ethan walked through, with James trailing behind.

Ethan’s face immediately brightened when he saw me.

“Hey’d it go with Harmony?” he asked.

James looked puzzled, his eyebrows arching.

‘Ummmmm, not so well...” I confessed, quickly pausing the movie. “She got angry about me taking her side.”

“Okay, hold up,” James interrupted. “What’s going on here?”

“Ethan, tell him later,” I told her.

“Tell me noww!" James whined.

I rolled my eyes. ‘Later James.’

Ethan frowned, running a hand through his hair. ‘Let me get this right...she’s mad at you now?”

I nodded. “Unfortunately.’
He let out a giant sigh. “I’m sorry Ade. I ruined Harmony and my relationship-and now I’ve ruined Harmony and yours’ friendship.”

I flashed him a smile. “Don’t worry. It’s totally fine.”

He and James left, James begging Ethan to tell him about what was going on.

Only Harmony, Ethan, Sofia and I knew about the split. Oh, also that bimbo Ethan was with.

“Geez, I feel like pouncing on that stupid girl that Ethan cheated on Harmony with, and just ripping out her extensions, fake nails and fake eyelashes” Sofia growled.

I chuckled. "Haha, same."

Sofia sighed, shaking her head. "I just don't get how that could've happened. Ethan loves Harmony to the end of Earth."

“Agreed," I nodded, reaching for a popcorn.

"'s Harmony?" Sofia questioned.

I raised an eyebrow. "Before she got mad at me? She was okay I guess, she said her cousin or whatever was taking her out to clubs and stuff. To relax.'

Sofia chewed her bottom lip. "What if she meets another guy? That can NOT happen. Like, even though Ethan made a stupid mistake, he and Harmony were made for each other."

I nodded. "I know...but I can't do anything now, she hates me."

Sofia sighed. "She doesn't hate you, Ade. She's just mixed with emotions right now, but it'll blow over. Listen, I can help. I'll try talk to her."

I smiled. “Really?”

She nodded. “YEAH! I’m a pretty good persuader.”

I nodded. “Okay. I’ll tell Ethan. Thanks Sof, you really are the best.”

Sofia waved her hand, dismissively. “It really is no problem. Harmony and Ethan do not deserve to be apart.”

I rolled my eyes. Sofia was a hopeless romantic.

“Sure, cool, let’s continue this movie,” I said.



Boring chapter...sorry. At least there was Troy's P.O.V.!

Oh yeah, I'm sorry there hasn't been much Troy/Adrianna interaction- I ASSURE you next chapter will DEFINITELY have Troy/Adrianna interaction.

Thanks for reading :)

peaceanddisaster xx

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