Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One


Woot! Woot! Chapter twenty one! YAY! Sorry, I am just really glad I managed to write it :) I got visitors over, so we're going out a lot-so I won't be updating so often.

This is a sort of long chapter-so enjoy guys!

I miserably moped around the house in my jammies during Friday night. I couldn’t find anything to do. Suddenly my world had suddenly darkened without Troy. That sounded totally lame-I know...but it was true. It was like he was the light for me. He was funny and brightened up my day.

“Whoa girl,” Audrey stopped me in my tracks. “What’s up with you?”

I quickly plastered on a huge, fake smile on my face. ‘Huh? Why do you think anything’s up with me?”

Audrey rolled her eyes. ‘Adrianna Hall, you can’t fool me. What’s wrong?”

I was tempted to go on with my fake act and say “Why do you think anything’s wrong with me’, when I decided the better of it.

I sighed, the fake smile immediately disappearing. “I...promise you won’t tell ANYONE this?”

Seriously, if Audrey told any of my brothers’ this...well...they’d zoom over to Troy’s house and beat him to the pulp for making me this upset.

Audrey nodded. “Promise.”

I gave her a look. “ESPECIALLY not my brothers?”

Audrey exhaled. ‘’ll be extra hard not to tell whatever secret of yours to Jacob...but I’ll survive.”

I nodded. “Good.”

Then I blurted out to her everything about meeting Troy, how we butted heads at first, then slowly got to know each other, and my sort of romantic feelings towards him.

Audrey nodded, sympathetically. “Omigosh, you poor girl! That stupid jerk gave you mixed feelings, then just disappears!”

I could feel tears well up in my eyes. “I mean these past few months have been the best-I had a lot of fun hanging out with him...and suddenly he just ignores me and disappears from my life-acting like our hangouts hadn’t meant anything to him.”

Audrey hugged me, enveloping me in a vanilla-scented hug. She released me.

“Want my advice?” she asked.

I wiped a tear away from my face. “Y-Yeah?”

Audrey pursed her lips. “Well, I doubt these past few months hasn’t meant anything to him. I heavily think that he’s developed a crush on you too. I mean, what’s not to love about you, Ade? You are drop-dead gorgeous, friendly, kind, sarcastic-in a good and funny way, caring, funny, fun and you have a good sense of humour. The guy would have to have a seriously cold heart or something to not fall for you. Anyway, you’ve been trying to talk to him right?”

I nodded. I wasn’t really agreeing with what she said about Troy developing a crush on me. I highly doubt it. “Yeah, I’ve sent a billion texts and called him a million times. Not only that, but I try talking to him, but he just walks away.”

Audrey nodded. “Okay, now, you gotta act tough. Make him see what he’s missing out on. Carry on with your life, act like he’s acting, act like the past few months hadn’t meant anything to you too. Avoid and ignore him too-and soon he’ll come to his senses.”

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