Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I got up the next day, exhausted and tired. Today was my first day back-since Mum had been in the accident.

I carefully picked a white tulle tutu skirt and a striped grey and yellow baggy top. Then I headed downstairs. Today would be the day that I talked to Liam’s crush, Noelle.

Ethan drove Liam, James and I to school in silence.

We got out of the car without a word, and suddenly the whole school were surrounding us. Like normal. Except NOW, they were yelling things like

“Omigosh, I heard about the accident!”

“I heard about the funeral!”

“Sorry I couldn’t make it to the funeral!’

“Are you guys okay?”

“I am so sorry for your loss guys!”

I rolled my eyes, and pushed through the crowd, joining up with Sofia on the way.

“Hey...are you alright?” she asked, concerned.

I rolled my eyes. “Sure.”

Sofia hugged me. ‘Again, I’m really sorry.”

I waved a hand, dismissively. “I’ve heard it a million times. Sorry doesn’t even mean anything anymore.”

Sofia chewed her lip. “Oh, sorry.”

I plastered on a huge smile on my face. “C’mon let’s get to class.”


“Which one?” I asked Liam.

He sighed, running a hand through his spiky blonde hair. ‘Don’t mess things up Ade.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just trust me on this one Liam.”

He nodded, and then pointed to someone. I followed his finger to a girl standing next to another girl, chatting and giggling.

I could see why my brother had the hots for Noelle.

Noelle was striking and really pretty, with curly blonde locks, sparkling grey eyes and tanned skin. She was wearing a black summer dress at that moment, and it flowed to just above her knees.

“She is gorgeous,” I murmured.

Liam nodded. “I got good taste is what you’re trying to say.’

I shoved him roughly to the side, and strutted over to Noelle.

She glanced up to see me walking towards her, and quickly straightened, up, patting her hair into place. Not like it wasn’t already.

“Hey,” I smiled, brightly.

Noelle bit her lip. “U-Uh, hi.”

Why was she acting so nervous?

“I’m Adrianna,” I introduced myself.

“I already knew that,” Noelle said quickly.

“Oh,,” I said, slowly, running a hand through my locks.

“It’s that, you are role model!” gushed Noelle. ‘You are so beautiful, and I wish I could look like you! I totally wish my hair was a shade like your brown, it’s so amazing! But I got stuck with blonde. And your dress style is I swear, if only I had your dress style!”

I smiled. I DEFINITELY liked this girl.

“Thanks,” I told her. “Um, anyway, you know my brother?”

Noelle’s eyebrow shot up. ‘Which one?”

I bit the insides of my mouth. “Liam.”

Noelle’s face immediately tightened. “Oh yeah. Him.”

I smiled. “He’s in your grade. And um...I suppose he’s asked you out before?”

Noelle rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Can’t he just get the point that I don’t like egotistic, self-centered, jerk players like him? I went out with one, and he totally broke my heart. I vowed that I would never go out with a player again.”

Her eyes widened. “But you are totally different! I mean, you are siblings, but you are so much kinder and-

I chuckled. “I get it.”

So, she had a broken past? Interesting.

“Okay, number one, I sat my bruv down for a talk,” I told her. “He told me he thought you were amazing, beautiful and many other positive things. He told me he’s never felt this way before-and this is big, coming from Liam. He really likes you, and he said he would never break your heart. And he means these words, Noelle. Liam’s never said these exact words before. He must think you’re different and stuff. So, give him a chance? I warned him if he broke your heart I would make sure he couldn’t have babies.”

Noelle giggled. “You are not only beautiful and kind, but you’re funny.”

Then she turned serious. ‘Well...I guess I could give the poor guy a chance. But if he breaks my heart-

I nodded. “It won’t be pretty.’

Noelle smiled. “Hey, if it works out, we’ll be sort of sister-in-laws! My friends will be totally jealous!”

I chuckled. “Well, bye, it was nice meeting you.”

“You too!” chorused Noelle, happily.

I turned away and started walking to class.

Okay Liam, don’t break her heart.


Pic of Noelle to the side >>> (Ashley Benson by the way)


Check out mah other Works if you haven't seen 'em yet!


peaceanddisaster xx



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