Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

Second update in February, I forgot to put first update in February last chapter and I cannot be bothered to add it in. So yeah :P

WARNING: You will hate and love this chapter :D


I pursed my lips, and examined the boxes of chocolates on the shelf. Which one seemed yummier? I sighed, and grabbed the box with roses all over the packaging. No, this chocolates were German, and I knew that Ethan disliked German chocolates. I put it back, and then sighed. Would I ever make up my mind?

I decided to just go for the box with a dove eating chocolate on it. Seemed decent enough. I grabbed it and paid for it, hastily throwing a little jar of candy to go with it. The lady behind the counter rung up my purchases, and handed me the change nodding.

“Have a nice day,’ she drawled, popping a mint into her mouth.

I grabbed the plastic bag with my purchases and zoomed out of there, checking my iPhone while I did.

No new messages. Great, just because I’d stayed for a couple days at the hospital, now my friends had run away from me?

I was driving along the street, when I saw a familiar head.

It was Julian, and he was strolling on the pavement, an icecream in his hand.

I slowed down beside him, rolled down the window and poked my head out of the window. “Hey Julian!”

His head snapped towards me, obviously alarmed. When he recognised me, a smile spread across his face. “Oh hey. Harmony right?”

I beamed. “Yeah. Are you heading to the hospital or something?”

Julian nodded. ‘Yeah! I just popped into Ice Deli, and decided to just buy an ice-cream, then walk to the hospital.”

I scrunched up my face. “But the hospital isn’t until a few kilometres!”

He shrugged. “It’s good Vitamin D.’

Well, no wonder why this guy looked so athletic and buff!

I grinned at the guy. “Hey, hitch a ride. I’m heading to the hospital as well.”

Julian grinned. “Ah, thanks!”

I shrugged. “No problem.”

He hopped into the front passenger seat, and I resumed driving to the hospital.

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