Chapter One (Picture of Adrianna Hall)

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 Hey guys, new story :) Thanks for checking this out :)


Okay, this story is really bad and I wrote it at the start of this year, well most of it. And I was such a crap writer and I've developed my style since then. 

The only reason why I've kept this story on Wattpad is because it is the most popular story I have and also because it has some good ideas in it that I don't want to reuse.

If you want to read something with better quality, my new story Separated by a Fence is freaking SOOOOOO much better in my opinion.

Hidden Love Trailer to the side! PLEASE WATCH! >>>>> Made by MOI!


“GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OF THE GROUND, ISAAC!” I yelled, to one of the guys’ on my brother’s team.

Isaac smirked at me, blowing a kiss at me, before taking off. I rolled my eyes. Geez-he was in the middle of a football game!

I scanned the field for my brother. Finally, I managed to spot Liam trying to hold a huge, sumo-wrestler type guy back. I waved, excitedly to him.

He noticed me waving, and flashed me a huge, pearly white, sparkly smile. His opponent took this moment to shove my little brother into the mud, and charge down the field. Liam fell onto the wet, muddy grass. Ooooh.

“Well, that was nice of you,’ said my boy twin, James.

I shoved him, roughly, but smiled. True, that had been my fault.

Okay, I guess you are probably wondering how many brothers I have. I have four.

There’s Liam-the one who’s on the field right now. He’s obsessed with football-and is the captain. And, yes, he’s a player. He’s got blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes-which totally makes all the girls his age drool. Liam’s 16.

Then, there’s James, my twin. We do NOT look alike-whatsoever. James has light brown/blondish hair, and is super tall and has fair skin.

Me? I’ve got black/dark brown chocolate long, curly hair, tan skin and hazel eyes. And yes, he’s a player as well.

But don’t worry-my whole family doesn’t only consist of players. Liam and James are the only players. Well...apparently Dad used to be one back in his and Mum’s high school days...creeps.

Anyway, next, there’s Ethan, my 18-year-old brother. He’s graduating this year, and he’s still not sure what he’s going to do next year. He loves basketball-and of course is captain of the basketball team.

Ethan has a super glamorous girlfriend called Harmony (doesn’t her name already make you like her?), and she is like my sister. Seriously. She cooks the best food ever, she can turn me into an absolute stunning model within minutes, she gives me all these amazing advice and we go shopping and hang out together.

I am so glad he managed to find her. Those two are magnets. They love each other so much, and they’ve been together for a year now.

Okay, now, my last brother, Jacob. He’s 21, and has a girlfriend called Audrey.

Audrey is just like Harmony-except I’m a little more closer to Harmony because she drops in more often. Audrey lives with Jacob in a nearby apartment.

Audrey has these blonde rippling tresses that I totally adore-and she has the best fashion sense ever. She’s also really pretty, and the perfect match for Jacob.

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