Chapter Five (Picture of Jacob Hall)

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Chapter Five

The next day, Sofia and I were strolling through the corridors.

“Mr Wilson is absolutely pure evil,’ I snapped.

Sofia nodded, in agreement. “I know. He should be called Mr Evilson.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “That was pure lame.’

Before she could reply, a hand shot out and grabbed me by the waist, dragging me to the person.

I glanced up to see one of the jocks grinning down at me.

He was pretty alright, and on the Cute Scale from 1-10, he averaged about a 7 and a half.

“Hey honey, wanna skip class?” he whispered in my ear.

I wrinkled my nose. Perve.

Before I could shoot back a retort, he was shoved roughly off me. I stumbled back from the force-and was about to fall over, when two strong arms caught me.

I looked up at the face of my saviour. It was Peter, one of Ethan’s friends. He grinned back.

I glanced up to see that Ethan was the one who had shoved that jock off me. He had the jock pinned to the lockers by the collar, and was threatening to kill him.

Luckily, two of Ethan’s friends managed to pull him off the jock.

The jock looked like a total wimp now, and was literally going to wet his pants. I contained my laughter.

The jock quickly ran off. Ethan turned to me, and walked over, his face immediately softening.

“You okay, Ade?” he asked, pulling me into a tight hug.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I sighed, as he released me. “But seriously, I CAN look after myself.’

Ethan narrowed his eyes. “Adrianna, the guy was about to kidnap you! Literally!”

I rolled my eyes. “Ethan, I know kung-fu better than him. Don’t you believe in me?”

His face softened. “Of course I do, Ade. You know I do. It’s’re the only girl in the family, the baby of the family-

“Uh, technically, that’s wrong,” I politely corrected him. “Liam’s younger than me.’

Ethan sighed. “Yeah, but you know what I mean. We can’t afford to lose someone like you.”

I gave him a look. “Same goes for all of you!”

He frowned. “Yeah, but you are way too precious.”

I smiled, and hugged him, tightly. “I guess...I understand. But seriously, can you guys tone it down a little? It kinda gets on my nerves when you’re protecting me 24/7”

He nodded. “Okay. Well, gotta go. Bye.’

He planted a kiss on my forehead, before walking off, his gang following him like puppy dogs.

Sofia bounded up to me, smirking. “Aw, now that was just too sweet.’

I laughed, and poked her in the ribs. ‘Shut up.”

She shook her head, and we headed off.


I walked out of the changing rooms, feeling exhausted. Mr Toddleston, our gym teacher, honestly had no heart. He never showed any mercy, and forced us to run (and when I say run, I mean run) 10 laps around the marathon track.

And yes, while we suffered under the blazing sun, he was lying comfortably on a deck chair, an umbrella on top, protecting him from the scorching sun, reading a sport magazine while drinking a Slurpee! I know un-be-LIEVABLE!

Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a guy and girl making out on the hood of presumably the guy’s car. When I studied them closer, I realised the guy was none other than Troy Kruger.

He seemed to be enjoying sucking the girl’s face.

Suddenly, my heart felt like it had been hit by a ton of bricks. I stumbled back. What the hell?

I glanced back at up at them. A new feeling spread through me. What was it...jealousy?

No, no, no, DEFINITELY not. Why would I be jealous? Troy was a big-headed, self-centered, conceited, annoying player. Why would I want to be with him?

I shuddered at the thought. Okay, gross.

I walked past them. Unfortunately, Troy seemed to notice me.

“Yo, loser,” he called.

I ignored him. He tried again.

“Hey, sl*t!” he called again. That got my attention.

Instead of feeling upset and hurt like last time, I felt a surge of angriness and irritation flood through me.

I strode up to him. “You, shut, the, HELL up. Stop freakin’ trying to bother me-because I am SICK of your irritating ways. Leave me alone, and spend your time sucking these bimbos’ faces-instead of annoying me. Just get the HELL out of my life.”

With that, I kicked him right in the nuts (just for a little emphasis), and marched off, secretly feeling VERY pleased with myself.

Hopefully, that would make him stay away from me. I hurried home.

I found Jacob in the kitchen, licking his bowl of chocolate chip ice-cream clean.

I scrunched up my face in disgust. “Ew, gross, Jake.”

Jacob snickered at me. “You don’t know how to appreciate good food, Adey.”

Before I could retort back, my saviour, Audrey sauntered in.

“Yo snookums, leave your poor sister alone,” Audrey said, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

I grinned. “Yeah snookums, you heard her.”

Jacob glared at me. “Hey, only Audrey has the privilege of calling me that.”

Audrey smiled. “Awwww.”

She pranced up to him, leaping into his arms. Then, they started making out.

I moaned. “Get a room.”

I hurried to my room, away from the disturbing sight, and locked the door behind me.

I walked over to the balcony, and slid open the sliding doors. Then I stepped out on my balcony, and gazed at the horizon.


This chapter is kinda short...sorry. I'm sorry if there hasn't been much drama lately-but these few early chapters are kinda fillers.


Don't worry, it'll get better! I promise!

And if you vote, comment, fan me or add this story to your library-I promise the next chapter will be good. Can you guys do that?


Thanks for reading,

peaceanddisaster xx



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