Chapter Nine (Picture of Harmony Bridges)

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Chapter Nine

“Back in the 1320s, the continent of...’

I tuned out, yawning. Blah, blah, why did Mr Blackburn even bother trying to teach History? It wasn’t like anyone was even listening.

I quickly surveyed the room. Yep-I was right.

Everyone was either on their phones, swapping notes, sleeping or just zoning out completely. My gaze was met with Troy’s.

He smirked, winking at me. I quickly turned back around in my seat so that I was facing the front. Grrr, that obnoxious, idiotic jerk! I hated him! He’d tricked me into kissing me!

I managed to survive the lesson-and when the bell rang, I scrambled to my feet, collected my things, and bolted out of there.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and opened my locker. That was absolute torture.

Suddenly, I felt a presence next to me. I glanced up to see Ethan standing there.

Okay, I had to admit it, he looked like absolute CRAP.

His hair hadn’t been combed or gelled (like it was every other day), there were huge, visible bags under his eyes- like he hadn’t slept for years, his clothes were all rumpled, and his skin was ghostly white.

I had to smirk a little. It was good to see he was regretting his actions.

“Ade...listen to me,” he pleaded. “Please, I beg you.”

I decided to give him some sympathy. I mean, after all, he WAS my big brother.

I leant against my locker, crossing my arms. ‘Quickly though. I don’t have all day.”

His face brightened, a relieved smile breaking out on his face. I bet that was the first smile he’d smiled (okay, that kinda sounded weird) in ages-since the incident.

He exhaled. “I totally regret my actions, Ade. I can’t believe what I did. I’d drunken way too much, I KNOW someone spiked my drink-and I had three cups of it, and I was definitely wasted. I wasn’t thinking straight, and ugh....I hate myself so badly.”

I rolled my eyes. “That still doesn’t make up for why you continued- even after I yelled at you.”

Ethan ran a hand through his untidy hair, sighing. “I-I...your right. That was no excuse for continuing. But, however, the girl I’d done it with, well...she sort of forced me to continue. I tried to stop-but she was pretty strong. I gave up-since I was so wasted.’

I pursed my lips, thoughtfully.

Ethan looked at me, with pleading eyes. “Do you believe me? I swear Ade, I feel so bad for what I did, I feel so guilty. I don’t want to lose Harmony- she’s caring, sweet, and man, she was the best girlfriend ever. I’m not even exaggerating. Not one bit. I just want to kill myself for hurting her so bad. When I try to talk to her-she’ll quickly run away, and start crying, and I feel so bad cuz’ I’M the one that’s making her cry. Please Ade, could you talk to her for me?”

The poor guy looked like he wanted to cry.

Correction-he WAS crying.

Well, not full-on. But, there was a tear slipping down his desperate and heartbroken face.

I decided to give in. He was telling the truth-I could tell. I can tell when my brother’s telling the truth-and when he isn’t.

“Okay,” I finally said.

He let out a huge whoosh of air-which he had been holding. He dragged me into a tight hug.

“’t breath,” I choked out.

He quickly released me. “Thank you Ade. You are the best sister in the world.”

I rolled my eyes. “I am the only sister you got, Ethan.”

He grinned, sheepishly. “Still. You know what I’m saying. Thanks again.”

I sighed. Okay, project Get-Harmony-and-Ethan-back-together had started.


“Hey Harm,” I greeted her, as I neared her.

I’d arranged to meet her at the park.

Harmony smiled, weakly. “Hi.”

I slipped an arm around her. “So, how you holding up?”

Harmony shrugged. “I’ve just forgotten about it. You know Florence, my cousin? Yeah, she’s been taking me out to clubs and stuff-and I’ve been just letting myself be wild and free.’

I frowned. It was good that she was moving on...but...I didn’t like the idea of her going to clubs-where she could meet a new guy.

“ you think you and Ethan still have a chance?” I asked, nervously.

Harmony’s face tightened. “No, I don’t.”

My heart dropped. It’d be even harder to get her and Ethan back together now.

“Uhhhh, Harmony... Ethan’s truly sorry,” I said, nervously.

Harmony’s eyes narrowed. “He sent you to try win me over-right? Really Adrianna, I thought you were better than that.”

She stalked off, her gorgeous hair flapping in the wind.

I groaned, and sunk down onto the park bench.

Crap...I’d gotten myself in deep trouble.

I trudged home, kicking stones, angrily. Why did Ethan have to freakin’ stuff up in the first place? Then I wouldn’t have to try to get Harmony and him together and be Little Miss Matchmaker. Then Harmony wouldn’t be mad at me.


Sorry this chapter is kinda short...oh well.

Anyway...I actually don't know what to say! LOL!


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peaceanddisaster xx (Thanks for reading)


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