Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight


Sorry for long wait. Hopefully this sort of long chapter makes up for it!

:) Vote and comment please!

“I wish you the very best,” Harmony told me, gravely.

I chuckled. “Stop, you’re making my nerves go even more crazier!”

Audrey shoved Harmony’s arm. “Shut up Harmony! The poor girl’s already in so much stress.”

I twirled around, biting my lip. “Do I look alright?”

They burst into laughter.

“It’s just some family conference-you don’t have to look nice,” Audrey chuckled.

Harmony smirked, twisting a chunk of her silky brown hair around her finger. “It’s not a date, Adey.”

I stuck my tongue out at them. “Would you two just shut up already?”

They cracked up.

‘Okay, we’ll leave you some time to think about what you’re going to say,” Harmony (being the peacemaker and harmonious person out of the two) told me, seriously.

I nodded. “Thanks.”

They left my bedroom, quietly, leaving me with peace and tranquillity.

I dropped down on my bed with a huge sigh. Actually, I’d already rehearsed what I was going to say. I was going to say Troy and I were happy together, and if I was happy, then I was sure my brothers were.



My phone beeped-telling me someone had texted me.

I leant over to my bed dresser, and swiped my iPhone off the table. Then I unlocked my iPhone and clicked on the text.


Good Luck Adey! Text me STRAIGHT after, to tell me what happened. Promise!

Hahahaha, <3 from your trusty friend, Sofia

I rolled my eyes. Trusty friend. Mmmhmm.

I chuckled, and texted back:

Thanks Sofia-I’ll need all the luck I can get! And what makes it worse, is that my brothers probably still remember when Troy and I were arch-enemies, and he called me all those mean stuff...they’re going to be convinced DOUBLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaking out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(


I pressed SEND, and threw my phone on my pillow, sighing.

I had to be EXTRA persuasive. ARGH, I was never good in convincing and persuading! It was my weakest point in English-and once when I tried debating-I totally failed, and the debating teacher thought I was making fun of her!

I turned to my pillow, removed my phone off it, and then lied facedown on it.

Then I screamed into it, as hard as I could.

Oh yeah, that felt good.

Once I was done, I stood up, looked into the mirror, fixed my hair, straightened my clothes and reapplied my lip gloss. Okay, all systems go!

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