Chapter Seventeen (Picture of Adrianna's funeral outfit)

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Chapter Seventeen

I bit my lip, as I gazed at the coffin being placed at the front. Do not cry Adrianna, do not cry, I silently chanted to myself, willing myself to not blub.

I was standing by my seat, while people poured in for my Mum’s funeral.

Suddenly, I felt an arm grab my hand. I whirled around, to face Sofia.

She grabbed me and pulled me into an intoxicating hug. When she released me, she flashed me a sad smile. “I am so sorry Ade. Your Mum was the greatest.”

I sniffed, wiping a small tear that had somehow managed to escape out of my eye. “Yeah, she was. Thanks Sof, you’ve been the best this past month.”

Sofia shot me a smile. “What sort of best friend would I be if I hadn’t have done all those things?”

Eventually, the ceremony started.

Every one of my brothers, Sofia and my Dad said something. Finally, it was my turn.

James grabbed my hand, as I stood up, and sent me a reassuring smile. I smiled, faintly back, before taking a deep breath.

I strode to the front, and set my script onto the stand. I glanced at the audience, who looked expectantly back.

“Okay, first, I want to thank you all for being here,” I started. “It really means a lot to me and my family. Alright.”

I took a deep breath.

“My Mum was...a million things. The person I looked up to, my role model, my saviour, the person I could just spill everything to, the person who understood me, my counsellor...but most importantly, she was my Mum. I loved her a lot. She helped me through rough times, and was always there to support me.

I still remember one time, when my brothers were annoying me-”

I shot my brothers a look, and they smiled back, shaking their heads.

“-I got really upset and fed up. But it was Mum that taught me how to fight back, ignore them, and stand up for myself. She taught me about girl power. She taught me so many things, my Mum, things I will remember forever.”

“I always looked up to Mum with respect, even now I do. She was such a role model for me. I wanted to look like her, act like her, do the things she did. Everything. Cuz’ everything she did was positive and helped people. She would donate to charities, would donate to any homeless person on the street, would give up expensive things to charity shops, held garage sales, joined many foundations and charities-

At that moment, the doors burst open, and my heart fluttered to see Troy stride in, in a tuxedo. He was all dressed up. For my Mum. I felt so pleased with that. I knew Troy couldn’t really stand getting dressed up. But he was doing it. For me.

He sent me a reassuring smile, and I smiled back. This gave me more courage.

“-We were really lucky to have such a kind-hearted and generous woman in our community. Which is why I think we should carry the tradition. She was always the one who organised these charity events. Without my Mum, we would never have experienced a charity event-I bet. If she saw us making an effort, and carrying the tradition, I bet she would be proud of us.”

‘So again, I just want to thank you all for coming, and I want us always to remember my fantastic and truly amazing Mum. And also, remember to carry the tradition. Thank you.”

I headed off the podium, and people clapped loudly.

“How did I go?” I whispered to Jacob who was sitting next to me.

He hugged me, kissing my head. ‘You were fabulous, Ade.”

Eventually, the funeral was over. We all headed out of the church, and out in the garden.

People kept coming over to me, and hugging me and saying how sorry they were. I just kept the bright smile plastered on my face, and thanking them for taking time to come to the funeral.

Suddenly, I felt an arm snake out, grab my arm and drag me behind a bush.

“Yeow!” I yelped, glancing to see my captor.

Troy’s eyes twinkled. “Wimp.”

I glared at him. “Way to be nice to a person who’s Mum’s funeral just happened.”

His face immediately turned serious. “You alright? No blubbering?’

I chuckled. “I’m all cried out.’

Troy had honestly been great this past month. Even better than Sofia dare I say.

He had constantly taken me out, taking my mind off Mum. To funfairs, to the park, to the mall, for a picnic, to watch a movie...etc.

It’d really been great. We’d really gotten to know each other- and I felt super close to him.

And yes, maybe I had developed a little crush on him.

But what was not to like? He was incredibly cute, funny, actually kind-hearted, fun to be around and had actually showed he was caring.

Whenever I broke down in tears, he’d just hug me tight to him, and comfort me soothingly.

I doubt he’d have a crush on me though.

He was too busy with his long line of sl*ts.

“Hey, Adrianna, you there?” Troy asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, dazed. ‘Uh...yeah.”

“I just wanted to say...this past month has been really fun, and I’ve gotten to know you really well,” Troy said.

My heart leapt. He enjoyed this month! Maybe...maybe...maybe...he...had developed a crush on me?

I waited for more.

He opened his mouth, and looked like he wanted to say more-but then he closed his mouth, abruptly, shaking his head, looking like he was cursing himself.

What was going on?

“SO, um, gotta go, see ya,” he said, quickly, before leaving me, puzzled behind the bush.

Just like that?

Confused, I got up slowly, and made my way out. That boy gave me mixed messages.


Double upload-score!

So tired, going to go sleep


Short chapter...whatever. :P

Just remember to vote and comment and next chapter will be up soon


peaceanddisaster xx



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