Chapter Two (Picture of Troy Kruger)

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Chapter Two

(Thanks for continuing to read my story-I DEEPLY appreciate it :P)

The Next morning was the first day of school. I rolled out of bed, groggily and put on a white tank top and a black skirt. I walked downstairs, and found James in his bowl of cereal, snoring.

“Morning,” I greeted him, grabbing a bowl of cereal.

“Afternoon,” he mumbled, lifting his head out of the bowl, before dropping back into it.

After breakfast, Ethan drove James, Liam and I to school. Immediately, the whole school practically surrounded us.

I got out first.

‘OMG I love that outfit, Adrianna!’ a girl squealed.

I smiled, softly at her. “Thanks.”
We were practically famous celebrities in Hunter. Due to my cute brothers. And apparently (told by my best friend, Sofia and a whole lot of other people), I was pretty, gorgeous, beautiful, funny, blah, blah, de blah, think I care. Honestly-I didn’t think I was.

I scanned the crowd for Sofia. Suddenly, a high, confident and strong voice rang out.

“Excuse me, best friend of Adrianna Hall coming through,” Sofia called.

Immediately the crowd parted-leaving Sofia a pathway towards me. I hugged her.

It was like this every day.

“Hey Ade, you’ll be alright-right?” called Ethan.

I rolled my eyes and waved a hand, dismissively. “Yep.”

Sofia and I mooched off, towards the school building.

“So, apparently, there’s a new boy starting in our year,” Sofia told me, as we approached our lockers.

I raised an eyebrow. “He better not be like my player brothers.’

Sofia exhaled. “Tell me about it.”

I was officially SICK about hearing about the new boy. I hadn’t met or seen him yet-but I’d heard enough to make me positively sick.

‘OMG, he is so incredibly cute!” squealed a girl to her best friend, as I passed them.

“Shut the hell up,” I growled under my breath.

I stamped up to my locker, and flung it open. I quickly grabbed my books, and slammed my locker back shut. Then I stormed off.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see a person standing in my way.

Unfortunately, I bashed into a rock-hard body.

Unfortunately, I fell onto the ground-while they managed to keep their balance.

“Watch it, geek,” snapped the male.

My jaw dropped open, and got to my feet, tugging my bag onto my shoulder. I glared at the guy.

He had black spiky hair, and dark chocolate eyes. Yes, maybe he had muscles-but I ignored the fact.

“Who do you think you are?” I snarled.

He smirked. “Troy Kruger, aka super hottie new guy.”

Oh, so this was the FAAAAAAAMOUS new guy. (Note sarcasm).

I think the people talking about him forgot to add he was a conceited, obnoxious, self-centered jerk.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but don’t think you can just prance in and think you can rule the school. Cuz’ trust me-you don’t.”

Troy crossed his arms across his chest. “What’s your name?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Like I’d want to tell someone like YOU.’

Suddenly, in one swift movement, he shoved me against the lockers, pinning me, glaring at me.

“Now, would you like to tell me?” he growled.

I smirked. You just messed with the wrong girl, Troy Kruger. I smiled, sweetly, batting my eyelashes.

He looked at me, puzzled. I quickly kicked him in the place where the sun didn’t shine, and shoved him away. He doubled up in pain, and groaned.

I smirked at him. “The name’s Adrianna Hall. But I don’t think you’d want to remember it-cuz’ we’re never going to talk or mix again.”

Little did I know that sentence was faaaaar from true.


I know, it's short-I'm sorry, but I think the next chapter will be longer-hopefully.

Thanks for reading-and PLEASE check out my Other Works!

peaceanddisaster xx

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