Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six


I lazed on the couch, flicking through the channels on TV. Where the hell were all the good shows?

The Simpsons, Futurama, American Dad, Family Guy? Huh?

Then I realised they usually showed at night.

Oh screw that.

I groaned, and left the TV on some kiddie show.

I recollected my thoughts, about last night.


That name immediately popped to my head. I sighed, shaking my head. We were over, I had to stop thinking about her. I had to do what I did.

I sighed, and buried my hand into the bowl of buttered popcorn. I’d been feeling so grumpy and moody today, I have no idea why. Maybe it’s cuz’ I didn’t get any sleep last night. I was up thinking about...ERGH! Stop Troy, stop thinking about her


“Yeah, I’m coming, shut the hell up,” I snapped, heading over to where my phone was lying.

I checked the caller ID. Unknown.


I clicked ANSWER.

‘Yo, Troy speakin’,” I drawled.

“Okay, okay, give it up,” I immediately recognised Sofia’s familiar voice. “Where the hell is Ade?”

Ade? Adrianna? Why would she think I have Adrianna with me?

“Um sorry sweetheart, but Adrianna’s not here with me,” I answered.

“Funny Troy, I know she’s with you,” Sofia snapped.

What the hell?

“No I’m serious Sofia,” I replied. “She’s not with me. We uh...we broke up.”


“Geez calm down,” I drawled.

Then something occurred in my head. Wait...if she thought Adrianna was with me...Adrianna wasn’t at home or at Sofia’s...

“Wait...why are you asking?” I asked, puzzled.

Sofia broke down in tears, scaring the hell out of me. “S-She....d-d-disap-p-eared.”

Disa-freakin-peared? Wait WHAT?

“What do you mean disappeared?” I asked, suddenly wide awake and alert.

‘S-S-Someone s-saw h-her b-b-being kidn-napped!” wailed Sofia. “I-I didn’t believe anyone, until I called you and c-checked she wasn’t with you! And n-now...I know she’s kidnapped!”

Kidnapped? Adrianna kidnapped?

Sofia stopped crying, and  took a deep breath. “Wait...who broke who up?”

I chewed my lip. “I...I broke us up.”

“What the hell?” screamed Sofia. “Did you freakin’ break her heart? Did you make her cry?”

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