Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four


Yeah, two uploads in one day, go me :)




“Let’s go horse riding!” Harmony commented, as we had breakfast.

It was only us scoffing down toast. Everybody else were still in bed  and being lazy-apart from James who was attending some college open day thingo.

I took a bite of my strawberry jaw smothered toast. “Horse riding?”

Harmony nodded. ‘Uh huh.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Um...random?”

Harmony tossed a strand of brown hair off her forehead. “No-I’m serious! I suddenly have the urge to go horse riding! Like, I remember I used to have a horse called Sparkle! He was so adorable!”

I rolled my eyes. “Um yeah. Well anyway, I’m going on a date with Troy today, so you’re going to have to go with someone else. And I’m assuming no one’s going to wake up until 1pm, so good luck with that.”

Harmony stuck her tongue out at me. “Thanks.”

I shrugged, and finished off my toast. “No problem.”

I brushed crumbs off my layered turquoise top. “Well, I’m going to head off soon.”

Harmony stuck her bottom lip out. ‘And leave me here alone?”

I dumped my plate in the sink. “Literally, you aren’t alone. You’re in a house full of other people. But you can just watch a Pretty Little Liars marathon.”

Harmony took a sip of her strawberry milk. “But it’s not fun to watch Pretty Little Liars without you!”

I chuckled, washing my hands. “You’ll survive, Harmony. And maybe someone will wake up and join you. Or, you could call Sofia.”

Sofia was VERY close to not only my family, but also Harmony, Audrey, and now she was also warming up to Noelle.

I hurried up to check myself in the mirror.

A turquoise layered top and a pair of skinny jeans. It seemed like a pretty good clothes choice.

Troy and I had arranged to meet at our ‘special place’. He had protested that we didn’t go there in case I got attacked again, but I insisted that we go there. I was also planning on telling him about Audrey and Jacob’s engagement, and their engagement party, and if he wanted to be my date to the party. Hopefully he would say yes.

After adding one more layer of lip gloss, I grabbed a blue and white striped shoulder bag (that I never knew I had) and tossed in a towel, a drink bottle, my makeup purse, my iPhone, my house keys and a spare hair tie (don’t ask why). Troy told me he would bring the food. I already had my swim suit underneath my clothes-so I wouldn’t have to change.

I thundered downstairs, and was surprised to find Ethan awake-and making out with Harmony.

“Ugh, get a room,” I sighed, grossed out.

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