Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen


Short chapter...I know...oh well :) Second upload still of the day1


Troy hadn’t talked to me for weeks now.

The last time he’d talked to me was at the funeral. When he pushed me behind the bush.

When I saw him during the halls, he just avoided me, ignoring me.

Acting like the past few months had meant nothing to him.

I felt torn, and hurt. I thought this past month had showed a sign of...I dunno. I had mixed emotions for that boy.

Friendship and...a little bit of a crush. He probably didn’t like me.

He probably felt sorry for me-which is why he befriended me.

UGH, how could I be so stupid?

He was a player, a jerk, an idiot. Actually, I was the idiot for falling for it.

I leaned against the wall of my room, inhaling a deep breath. I was so freaking dumb. And goddamn stupid. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

For some strange reason, I felt used. Why?

Knock, knock

“Hey, Ade?” came Liam’s voice.

I quickly wiped away any tears and scrambled to my feet. I flopped down onto my bed, quickly, grabbing some girl magazine on the way.

“Come in!” I called, flipping to a random page in the magazine.

Liam burst through, a huge, cheesy smile plastered on his face.

I put down the magazine, a smile immediately on my face. “Why are you looking so happy?’

Liam’s eyes shined. “I asked Noelle to be my girlfriend-and she said yes! And then we kisses-man she’s the best kisser I know!”

I grinned, and ruffled his hair-knowing that he hated it whenever anyone ruffled his hair. But instead of cursing me, and shoving me off-he just stood there, with a dreamy expression on his face. Whoa, I’d never seen Liam like this! Noelle really was doing a huge impact on him. She was my new best friend!

“You whipped, lovesick puppy, get outta here, and go think dirty thoughts about your girlfriend somewhere else,” I teased him, nudging him with my elbow.

Liam snapped out of his daze, and looked at me, seriously. “Ade, I just want to thank you-for all you’ve done. You helped me get Noelle...and I’m really thankful.”

I smiled. “No problem.”

He turned to leave.

“Liam?” I quickly called, stopping him.

He spun around. “Yeah Ade?”

I smiled, genuinely at him, proudly. “Mum would be proud of you for doing this. She’s always wanted you to find a steady girlfriend, and give up your player ways. I bet she’s grinning down at us from Heaven, pleased with you.”

Liam grinned, and then pulled me into a tight hug.

I rested my head on his shoulder. I have always been closer to Liam than any other brother. Don’t ask me why-we just have a bigger bond.

‘Yeah, well I hope you find a boyfriend that can treat you well,” Liam told me, when he released me.

I raised an eyebrow. “How am I supposed to find a boyfriend, when you and the rest of your brothers shoo all the boys off?”

Liam sighed. ‘Ade, there are a bunch of douchebags out there. Ones that can hurt you, break your heart, and...we just don’t want to see our only sister get heartbroken.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘Not all guys are like that.’

He nodded. “I know. Well...gotta go. I gotta ring Noelle!”

He literally skipped out, me rolling my eyes. He was acting like a sissy now!

I sighed, and fell onto my bed.

Why was Troy ignoring me? I fell asleep, with that question stuck in my head.


Why is Troy avoiding her? Is that question bugging you guys too? Hahaha, you are just going to have to wait to find out!

Next chapter is Chapter 20! Oooooh, this is the longest story I've written, yet.

But don't worry, this story is  far from over! There is a lot more drama coming up!




peaceanddisaster xoxo



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