Chapter Forty Three - THE END!

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Chapter Forty Three


OMG’s the freaking last chapter. :O I think this book has gone for 5 months...OMG... anyway I think you guys have all been waiting for this chapter, no?. This is the chapter you have all anticipated? All the secrets and lies will be uncovered, so this chapter will be LONG! Anyway, I won’t hold you back, continue reading :)



“Um...I’m sorry man,” some guy mumbled, walking past.

Oh, so now EVERYBODY knew that Adrianna had forgotten me, and now I was getting publicly humiliated and embarrassed? Thanks a bunch.

I shoved my hands into my jeans pockets, and continued down the street. It was all over town, and in the newspapers and magazines. GIRL FORGETS ONE TRUE LOVE. Pfft, as if Adrianna thought I was her one true love. She was mine. But I was stupid to let her go and I was a total ass and jerk.

A woman gazed at me, and I glared back, so she quickly lowered her gaze and continued to sweep up the fallen leaves off the pavement.

I decided to go into some coffee shop. I steered into the nearest coffee shop (Belinda’s Muffins and Coffee Delights) and immediately all the diners froze, and stared at me.

‘Hon, that’s the boy who’s girlfriend got shot and forgot about him,” some woman whispered to her presumably husband.

I just ignored everyone, and dropped into the back booth, feeling the heated gazes of people piercing into me.

I rested my face on my palms. I was forever going to be tagged as the guy who’s true love forgot about him.

Then I thought of something. It would help to release some anger and frustration that was building inside of me, and to write it all in a letter addressed to Adrianna. Of course I was never going to send it to Adrianna (it’d be so stupid), it was just to release and reveal all the lies I’d been keeping to myself, and holding onto.

I raised a hand, and a girl cautiously tiptoed up to me.

“Y-Y-Yes?’ she stuttered, clearly nervous to be talking to me.

“May I have some paper and a pen?” I asked.

She creased up her forehead, before nodding. Then she scurried off, probably thinking I was getting stranger and stranger.

I shut my eyes, and leant against the cool red leather of the seats, blocking out the entire world. I sighed. My life was never going to be the same without Adrianna. What would it be like...her passing by, without even addressing to me, or recognising me. I felt my heart squeeze at the thought, and my frown deepened.


My eyes flew open, and I glanced up to see the scared looking girl, clutching a pad of paper and a pen. “H-H-Here is your paper and pen.”

I took it from her. “Uh thanks.”

She gulped, and scurried away. Oh, so I was some bad guy now?

I sighed, and clicked the pen on, adjusting myself.

I poised my pen on the pad, then sighed. I needed a drink.

I raised my hand again. Some other girl (who didn’t seem as afraid of me as the other one) strode up to me, her legs quivering ever so slightly.

“Yup?” she drawled, trying to appear cool.

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