Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven



Miss you 2012...he-LO 2013!



Troy and I had been going out for two weeks already.

And we were great. Magnificent. Brilliant. Incredible. Fantastic. Excellent.

We’d been with each other nearly 24/7, and were going super great. He’d taken me to carnivals, circuses, concerts, the movies, country clubs, basketball games, golf and about a million other things.

Right then, we were curled up on his couch, me in his arms, watching My Sister’s Keeper.

I tried to hold back tears at the last part, and fought back everything just to not cry.

Troy glanced at me, and chuckled. ‘You have every right to cry, Adrianna.”

I chewed my lip. “B-But I don’t want to c-c-cry in front o-of you.”

Troy laughed, and pulled me closer. I smiled, and snuggled right up to him.

My life had finally settled down. Ever since Mum had died and Troy had grown distant from me-my life had been absolute hell. Now it was good again.

Eventually, the movie ended-me broken down in tears. Troy comforted me, chuckling, and I finally stopped blubbering.

“Okay, what do you want to do?” I asked, drying my eyes.

Troy shrugged, popping a piece of sweet popcorn in his mouth. “I dunno. I reckon we’ve done everything in this past two weeks...and we’ve been at school as well!”

I grinned. My parents and brothers still didn’t know that I was dating Troy. Somehow, I was managing to pull it off. But I had decided to tell them tomorrow. It was final. I couldn’t sneak behind their backs anymore.

“OMG, let’s search up funny YouTube videos!” I cried.

Troy chuckled. “Why?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Cuz’ it’s fun.”

He shrugged, and reached over me to get his laptop. “Whatever you say, babe.”

My heart flipped. I wasn’t really used to him calling me babe. I mean, it wasn’t a bad thing-but it was kinda unfamiliar.

He opened his laptop, got an Internet browser, and clicked on YouTube-which was one of his Favourites.

“Okay, surprise me,” he told me, handing the laptop carefully to me.

I smirked, and typed in the video that EVERYBODY loved.


I typed it up, and clicked on the first video.

Then I turned up the volume, and put the laptop between us.

“Oh hell,” Troy groaned, when he recognised the video. “Kill me now!”

I laughed. “Nup!”

After watching Gangnam Style (with Troy complaining and moaning the entire video), I decided to click on Smosh.

“Smosh?” Troy asked. “What the hell is what?”

I smiled, mysteriously. “You will see.”

Smosh is basically two guys who make hilarious videos. Honestly, I’m a big fan of them.

After Smosh, I showed him The Janoskians and then Nigahiga (Ryan Higa), and then a raft of other people.

Troy shook his head. “How do you know all these people?”

I shrugged. “I search ‘em up...stuff like that.”


Later on, we were hanging out in his swimming pool.

“Hey, when are you going to tell your folks that we’re dating?” Troy asked, sending a little tidal wave towards me.

I ducked, and swam back up to the surface, facing him. “Tomorrow. Straight after dinner. At promptly 7.45 p.m.’

He chuckled. ‘Very approximate.”

I shrugged, casually. “I try not to brag.”

Troy chuckled, shaking his head, and then without warning, send a HUGE wave towards me.

I shrieked, and immediately went under.

I stayed down below the surface-as the wave whooshed past.

Suddenly, I felt light-headed and dizzy. And everything started getting blurry and I started hallucinating.

Woah! Did I just see Justin Bieber?

And...Minnie Mouse? Hey, Batman!

Suddenly, my world faded to black, and I felt my world shut down.


I peeled open my eyes, squinting and adjusting to the light. I realised I was lying on a deck chair next to the swimming pool.

“Babe!” Troy cried, with a relieved smile. “Thank the lord!”

I rubbed my head. was wet. “Um...did you dunk a bucket of water on me?”

Troy raised an eyebrow, puzzled. “”

I showed him my wet hair, raising an eyebrow. “Explain this!”

Troy chewed his lip. “You don’t even remember drowning?”

Drowning? I almost drowned? AAAAARGH!

“I-I-....WHAT?” I cried.

Troy placed both arms on my waist, and pulled me close. “I’m so sorry Adrianna. Just forget about it. Anyway, you want to watch TV or something?”

I wrinkled my nose. Talk about a quick subject change.

“Er...okay,’ I said. “Oh, can we watch Modern Family? No...Big Bang Theory! No, no, no, How I Met Your Mother!”

He laughed. “Okay, calm down.”

He led me to the living room, me still feeling very confused.


Phew! Finally updated...sorry about the wait.

Okay, this was a kinda random chapter...I thought it was super boring, so I kicked in my favourite YouTube stars and Adrianna almost drowning...hahahaha you like?


peaceanddisaster OUT! (yes, to kick off 2013, I will be now saying peaceanddisaster out, rather than my usual peaceanddisaster xx!)


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