Hidden Love Fun Facts

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Fun facts about Hidden Love


Pages on Microsoft Word: 135 pages

Number of Words: 55, 386

Number of times book cover has been changed: 5

Number of chapters: 43

Number of parts: 45

Number of pages on Wattpad: 77

Last updated: 14th March 2013


Did you know: Taylor Lautner was originally going to play one of the brothers, then I decided to switch him to Troy.

Did you know: The story was originally going to have 25 chapters, then 30, then 35, then 40, then finally 43.

Did you know: The last chapter was originally going to be chopped in two parts.

Did you know: The story has gone over 5 months

Did you know: The bullet part and Adrianna being in a coma was never meant to happen. I decided to extend it, and include that part in.

Did you know: There were originally going to be three brothers.


OKAY! That’s all from me, ciao, and see you all soon.

Thank you!


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