Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four


You will like this chapter, I assure you :)


“Another freakin’ day at school-perfect,” I muttered, sliding a comb through my wavy brown hair.

“Are you talking ot yourself?”

I twirled around to face James who was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes. “I hear you all the time in your room. Oh, Sofia! Sofia’s the best girlfriend ever. Oh, I miss you Sofia. How, I want to kiss those lips! Oh Sofia!”

James blushed a crimson red. “Shut the hell up Ade, you eavesdropper.”

I smiled, sweetly at him. “Just speaking the sweet truth, brother dear.”

He chuckled. ‘Glad to see you’re in a good mood. Last time I saw were looking really down.”

My stomach did a belly flop.

I was still thinking of Troy-just on the inside. I’d vowed that I would try not let it show that he was hurting me. Badly.

I shrugged, casually. “Oh you know. I was just uh...feeling grumpy those few days. Nothing important.”

James nodded. “Cool. Well, we’re heading to school soon, so hurry up.”

He spun away from the door frame and headed outside of my room.

I sighed, and turned back to the mirror.

I stared at my reflection, and frowned. Did he realised hanging out with me was a mistake? Was I too boring? Was I too clingy?

I sighed again. Letting my thoughts loose- a great way to start the day.

I quickly hurried downstairs, and grabbed an energy bar along the way. Then I hopped in the car, and we drove to school. As usual, we were surrounded by everyone, and I squeezed my way to Sofia-who was talking to some redhead girl.

When she spotted me, she quickly scurried away, leaving the redhead girl standing there, puzzled and confused. I sprinted after Sofia. Since I was more athletic than her (no, seriously, I was), I managed to catch up to her easily. I grabbed her wrist, and pulled her to a halt.

“Ugh, get off me,” she snapped, shaking my hand off her wrist, angrily.

I let out a deep breath. “Sof...I’m sorry,. I... I know, I’ve been a horrible best friend Sof...ugh. It was just...that was the first time I’ve really liked a guy, and...yeah. I’m really sorry Sofia, please forgive me. I can’t bear having you angry at me. Seriously. My life has been absolutely hell these past few months-and you’re the only person who can help me. You’ve been a great best friend-and I totally would’ve been angry if I was in your shoes.”

Sofia bit her lip, her face softening. I could tell she was contemplating whether to let me grovel more or forgive me. Please choose the latter option!

She let out a huge sigh. “Okay. You’re forgiven. I guess I was being a little too sensitive too. I mean, what with your Mum dying and everything. OMG...I’ve been a terrible best friend! I just realised! Being angry at you when your Mum just died. Ugh!”

She smacked her forehead. “I’m really sorry too Ade.”

I smiled, softly. “That’s okay. So we’re alright?”

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