Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven


“And...then she ran off crying,” I confessed, spilling the guts about me breaking Adrianna’s heart.

‘You little,” growled Ethan, lunging forward.

Luckily, Jacob and Liam managed to hold him back, even though there was fire flaming in their eyes, and they looked like they wanted to murder me right there, right then. Even James looked like he wanted to just grab an axe and murder me.

Mr Hall cleared his throat, fire dancing in his eyes. “And why did you do that?”

My chest constricted. “It’s...It’s...It’s a personal thing.’

Ethan growled some more.

What, was he some sort of werewolf or something?

Mr Hall cleared his throat again. “Well, she’s my daughter and-

“-And she’s my only sister,” Jacob cut in, glaring at me.

“-and, as I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, I want to know why you broke my daughter’s heart,” Mr Hall continued.

I felt my heart quicken. “Look, I know I broke Adrianna’s heart, and I am truly sorry. But, I have personal reasons. But look, I’m eager and keen to get her safely back-alright?”

“But why would you want to get her back if you broke her heart and probably hate her?” James asked, stating the truth.

I looked down, chewing my lip.

I could never hate Adrianna. Never.

“Personal reasons-alright?” I snapped, fed up with these questions.

“Hey dude, don’t freakin’ snap at my brother, alright?’ Liam glowered at me. “We should be the ones snapping at you. In fact, you are goddamn lucky you haven’t been punched or knocked unconscious yet.’

I sighed, closing my eyes. “Yes, I know, you’re right.’

“Good,” growled Ethan.

Harmony and Audrey appeared, saving me from getting murdered.

‘Okay, I rang the police,” Harmony informed us. “They’re assembling a crime squad.’

Audrey nodded. “Yep.”

“Alright, let’s split gang,’ Dad announced. “Go to every place you think Adrianna might be, ANYTHING. We’re desperate here, so let’s move it.’

I charged out, immediately forming a list of places to check, in my head.

I hopped into my car, and started the engine. Then I zoomed off to the very first place that came to mind.

The lake.



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