Chapter 24 - Life-Changing Event

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Chapter 24 - Life-Changing Event

'No...' I stared down helplessly at the sight and covered myself up, already swamped with guilt at what I'd done.

Adrian looked back up at my horror-stricken face and touched my cheek. 'Indigo, listen --'

Faster than either of us could comprehend, I leapt up from the giant bed and picked up my clothes from the floor. Adrian quickly hopped out and rushed to my side.

'Indigo, stop. We need to talk about this.' He was still naked.

Averting my eyes, I jerked away from him and continued to get dressed. I needed space to think. Who knew what this could mean, for both of us.

He grabbed my arm. 'Indigo, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about--'

I hissed, baring my fangs. 'Get off of me!'

He pulled away again and ran a hand down his tired face. 'Just promise me you won't do anything stupid.' His voice was muffled behind his hands.

When he looked back up at me, my heart almost leapt at the sight of him. He looked helpless. And scared.

I just shook my head and turned away from him. 'Give me space to think.'

He nodded, looking grim. 'But stay in the house. I need to know that you're safe.'

Not wanting an argument, I reluctantly agreed and haggardly made my way over to my old room. Everything was still in place -- my bag had been unpacked and everything was put back to where it had been taken from that day.

Feeling too exhausted to do anything, I suddenly collapsed onto the bed and curled myself in the duvet ready for sleep. Tomorrow I would have plenty to think about, but for now I was content just to close my eyes and let myself drift away.


The next morning, I woke up with a headache and the sound of a knock on the door.

'Come in.'

Adrian walked in sheepishly. My eyes must've widened to saucers when I saw what he was carrying.

A pregnancy test.

'I thought you might want this.' He grumbled as he awkwardly placed it in my lap.

Too shocked to move, I simply stared at it before swallowing loudly. Cautiously I picked it up and demanded to be left alone for several minutes as I peed and waited for the results.

When I glanced at it I demanded for another and then another and finally another until I eventually got the message.

I was pregnant.

When Adrian came in after waiting for twenty minutes I watched his face fall as he read each and every one.

He began to talk to me soothingly which I barely registered, and I abruptly yelled at him when he suggested  that I could get rid of it if I so wished.

After that incident he didn't bring it up again and sat with me in silence until I told him to leave a few hours later.

The day passed quickly as did the weeks until it was soon my eighteenth birthday. As planned, it was held at my parent's house (my old home) and I tried my best to smile and enjoy the night as Stacey kept demanding me to dance and drink. I discreetly avoided the latter.

Adrian and I had agreed between us to keep the secret about our child until we were officially married. I didn't want my parents to find out until then, and truthfully I just didn't know what to think about it all.

He'd agreed -- looking surprisingly happy about it -- when I told him that I was going to keep it. Afterwards, he told me with a newfound conviction that the marriage would still go ahead and I had no choice but to accept.

I didn't want my child to be born a bastard, although I still had twinges of bitterness about how my actions had led to us having a child. A child for God's sake.

I couldn't even begin to think about how I was going to be a mother at such a young age. All I knew was that I was determined to prepare myself as much as I could by reading online articles, books and even advice that was given on parenting sites.

When it was only a month away until my wedding date, I found myself sat outside in the large garden, making sure to remain sheltered beneath the large oak tree.

Adrian came up and sat beside me. 'Are you alright?'

I nodded.

Since that night I'd been avoiding him and his touch as much as possible, and it had been taking its toll on me.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned in close. I could smell his comforting masculine scent and inhaled deeply.

'I don't know what I'm going to do.' I whispered more to myself.

With a child on the way I had a lot to think about -- including how I was going to make this relationship between me and Adrian work.

To me that task seemed impossible.

He sighed heavily. 'Indigo. Please let me explain about Ashley.'

I flinched. Nothing I did could make me feel pain any less.

'She.... We have a history together, me and Ashley.' He continued. 'It was a long time ago. We...' He faltered. 'We're...'

My back straightened. No.

My throat clogged. 'Don't say it. Please.' I abruptly got up to stand.

He hissed through his teeth as of he were in pain. 'Indigo, you need to hear this. Just so that you can understand. We're --'

'NO!' I clutched at my stomach as if it could offer some sort of protection and sprinted inside.

Ashley and Adrian were soulmates. They had been all this time.

I couldn't believe it.

Yep, this chapter really wasn't my best and to be honest I think I'm going to need feedback for how this story is going. I'm worried that it's not as good as it was in the beginning.
I know exactly where I want this story to go, but now for some reason I'm having issues with how to set it out from here. Any feedback is appreciated!


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