Chapter 23 - The Beginning of a Mess

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Chapter 23 - The Beginning of a Mess

['Sometimes it takes time to realise what you truly want...']

When his hands touched mine I jerked at the sparks between us.

All I could focus on was trying to get as far away from him as possible. I felt weak; exhausted and I needed to leave.

'Please,' I whimpered. 'Let me go.'

His dark eyes pierced into mine with such clarity and a desire so clear, that it made my knees weak. 'Stay, Indigo.'

Fervently, I shook my head. 'I can't.' It was true. After everything that had happened between us, it was clear that I could never trust Adrian again, and after Carlos I just wasn't ready for a relationship with anyone else.

Couldn't he see that?

His hands gripped my waist tighter.

'Indigo, just listen to me. This isn't something that you'll be able to fight for long. Stop hurting yourself and stay with me.'

I exploded. 'Me? You think it's me who's doing this?' I screeched. Tears blinded my vision as I thumped his chest roughly, causing him to stagger backwards. 'It's you! You're the one who did this to me...YOU! '

Betrayal. Hurt. That was all I felt. It seared through me and I nearly buckled under the agony.

Images of Adrian and Ashley; Carlos and Eva propelled themselves into my mind - demanding to be acknowledged. My chest constricted as I fought, unsuccessfully, to get them out.

You're not good enough for anyone, my inner voice hissed at me, cruelly. So stop trying.

I wanted to disappear.

'Indigo, please...' But Adrian's voice was a distant blur as I fought a mental battle -- the final showdown that had been threatening it's way up from the very beginning.

I'd only ever wanted acceptance from my mate - it was what I'd fantasised about ever since I was a young child. And now I'd met two of them - something that was extremely rare - and neither of them  wanted me. It was too much. I felt worthless.

Leave! My voice whispered, this time to try and soothe me. Go, before you get hurt!

I whimpered. I hadn't even realised I'd almost fallen to the floor until strong arms pulled me up and soft lips crushed against mine, shocking me into stillness.

Instantly, the voices stopped and I felt an overwhelming need to be closer to the source of warmth and comfort that was radiating from the body plastered against me.

Adrian. My soul mate. My Destined.

As much as I tried to resist it, I let him kiss me and allowed him to explore my tongue with his own to his heart's content.

My stomach leapt and squirmed as he roughly ran his hands through my hair and squeezed my waist to his. 'This is what I've wanted,' he breathed heavily against my lips. 'You.'

I melted.

We kissed with a fiery passion, and I let him roam his hands over my chest, cupping one of my breasts.  Gently, he pushed me onto his bed and I arched my neck back as he trailed kisses along my neck and collarbone.

He pulled off my top and I let him before going to fumble for his belt. All I wanted was this, to be close to someone who meant something to me. I wasn't thinking about the consequences.

I couldn't.

When he saw what I was doing, his eyes sparkled and he took over, hurriedly pulling down his jeans. We carried on stripping until what remained of our clothing were our undergarments, and my skin sizzled as he pressed his lips against the flesh on my chest.

'Indigo...' He breathed as he unclasped my bra and gazed down longingly at my bare breasts. 'God, you're so beautiful...'

He sucked delicately at the pink peaked bud closest to him, and I arched my back, feeling his erection pressed against my thigh.

'Adrian...' I moaned out as I dragged my hands through his hair and pulled on his shoulders to force his mouth closer to my breast. He sucked harder and I almost cried out in ecstasy.

When I was pooling with wetness  between my legs, he removed my pants and slowly placed two fingers inside me.

I sighed in pleasure and relief as he began to move first at a slow pace, and then gradually increased his speed. When I was panting and his erection was straining against his boxers, he eventually pulled out and leaned away from me.

He watched me trying to catch my breath and smiled lazily, his eyes glinting with some unexplained emotion. His gaze softened when he traced his fingers delicately over my jaw. 'Is this what you want?' He asked gently as he gazed at me.

Mutely, I nodded. 'I want you,' I breathed just before his mouth latched desperately onto mine.

Expertly, he broke the kiss and grabbed a condom from the bedside table before placing it on. When he was finished, he slowly parted my legs and took in the sight of me. He gulped loudly.

'Are you sure this is what you want?' He desperately looked like he wanted me to say yes, and I laughed breathlessly giving him a nod.

Although his movements were slow, I could feel everything as he leisurely pushed himself into me, allowing me to get used to feel of him.

When he deepened, I winced as I felt stinging sensation in my centre and he stopped, watching me anxiously.

'Are you alright?' He asked me worriedly.

I nodded, gritting my teeth.

He took this as a confirmation and continued, building up speed until I felt something gather in my centre and exploded with a finality that had me arching my back and screaming out his name.

When he came afterwards, he quickly pulled out, still quivering, and fell limp beside me. I was too distracted to notice him frown, until he sharply sat up and glanced down at himself.

'Shit.' He groaned.

I glanced at him, unconcerned. 'What?' It wasn't until I followed his eyesight and saw where he was looking at that all colour drained from my face.

The condom had split.

Dun, dun, dunnnn.
Of course this could all mean nothing - not everyone gets pregnant after an event like this, after all.

For any of those who skipped the mature section here's a summary of what happened: they fought, Adrian and Indigo then did the dirty and then they realised the condom had split.


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