Chapter 10 - In Comes Romeo

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The party's just getting started... *excited face*

Chapter 10 - In Comes Romeo

My family and I were all sat around the table - including Uncle Miguel who'd just come back from London, and Carlos. Without warning, my father slammed his hand down against the polished wood, causing us all to jump.

'It isn't that bad dear; we can just send him away.' My mother tried to soothe him by placing her hand on his, but he wasn't having any of it. 'Sit down, Indigo-Rose!' He yelled as I got up to leave. I pouted but did as I was told.

Adrian Frazer.

He was the eldest son of Alexander J. Frazer, one of the most senior members of the royal court council. He wasn't king but he may as well be - he was known for his fearlessness and bravery and had just as much influence in royal affairs as my father did. They didn't exactly see eye-to-eye but my father and him had always tried to stay out of each other's way and had managed to until now.

'He's only asking for my hand to increase the power of his family's name - and his father's position.' I stated. 'We don't want to give it to him so I won't marry him. Simple as.' Carlos looked at me in surprise but I was studiously ignoring him so he instead turned his attention to my father.

'Couldn't that cause a war if she refuses the hand of someone so noble?'

I hated the way Carlos was allowed to sit here and discuss my marriage plans as if last night's conversation had never occurred, but due to his father's status it meant that he was more than able to. I bit the inside of my cheeks to hide my frustration.

My father slapped his hand on the table again. 'She ismy daughter! She should not have to marry if she does not wish to!' Everyone looked uncomfortable except for me. I was just mad.

'And I won't, father. I told you. Now can I leave?' He sent me a withering look that made me pause in my haste to get up again.

Uncle Miguel spoke up. 'Bruce, we all understand your position and believe me, I am by no means happy with this considering Indigo's... reluctance, but he is an eligible bachelor and is more than capable of taking care of your daughter. If anything he's the best match we've had yet.'

I snorted and everyone turned to face me. 'He might be an eligible bachelor as you put it, Uncle, but he's slept with more girls than I have breathed, so excuse me if I want to save myself for someone who has a little bit more self-respect.'

There was a deathly silence as everyone took this in. 'She has a point.' My brother said weakly and nearly crumpled under my father's gaze.

'If I may say something,' we all turned to stare as none other than Adrian himself walked into the room. Oh yeah, I'd forgotten that he'd been asked to stay in the drawing room.

'I am indeed an eligible bachelor, and I assure you mypromiscuity is not quite as bad as it has been made out to be.' At this he turned to stare at me. I smirked.

My father cleared his throat. 'Yes, well...'

He held up a hand. The nerve! I wanted to punch him right in the face. He gave a charming smile which was aimed at my Uncle and my mother before saying, 'I will assure you that I will do everything I can to protect Indigo-Rose.' He purred.

My hands balled into fists as my mother's look softened towards him. 'Don't look at him like that.' I snapped and everyone turned to look at me in astonishment.

My father looked uncertain; despite his personal prejudice towards Adrian's father, it looked like he'd taken into account my Uncle's point and seemed almost sheepish when he said, 'very well. I will consider your offer of obtaining the hand of my daughter.'

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