Chapter 13 - The Realisation

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Chapter 13 - The Realisation

My sniggers were loud as I desperately tried to shut myself up whilst simultaneously managing to grab onto the railing for balance.

Being tipsy and laughing was a dangerous combination after all.

I'm sure that my eyes were tearing up with the force of my laughter and my face was more than likely a tomato red.

Looking up at Adrian to see him staring at me wide-eyed didn't exactly help and I let out another whopping scream. 'Oh my... You...' was all I managed before I erupted again and had to sit down before I fell over.

When I could finally control myself I grabbed the balcony railing before clumsily standing to my feet. Adrian had gotten over his shock by the looks of it.

Trying my best to meet his eyes without sniggering I asked, 'Were... Are you being serious?' Another unattractive snort threatened its way up and I bit down on my lip, [hard] to prevent it from coming out.

Adrian was looking at me, his jaw tightly clenched before he gave me a swift nod. I stood on my tip toes to give him an exaggerated; consoling pat on the shoulder. 'Bless you, my child.'

'Is something funny?' His voice was cold; clipped.

Oh, he was definitely pissed.

I shook my head and let out another small scream.

He took hold of my arm - none too gently - as I swayed slightly from the force of my laughter.

'It's fine... I'm fine.' I managed before loosing control again.

We stayed like that for a few moments until I could actually manage to look at him without laughing. 'Why did you offer?'

He watched me closely and looked away slightly as he shrugged. 'If we are to soon be wed...' He trailed off.

The effect of those words were sobering to say the least, and it felt like a bucket of cold water had been chucked over me. 'Don't say that,' I snapped. 'Because it's not happening.'

He didn't say anything for a long while; I hated the way his eyes were now staring at mine in pity. 'I think your father will allow it, Indigo.' It was said softly enough, but I still felt the anger running through my veins.

'He will not.' I snapped again, making sure to turn away.

My father loved me too much to marry me to someone I hated, although even I knew that with Adrian being of such high status my father would have a hard time refusing him and more importantly, Adrian's father.

'I will not allow it.' I said. The conviction was still there but it had lessened slightly.

Another uncomfortable minute passed. 'You still didn't have to offer just then.' I whispered, more than desperate to get back to the topic at hand. As funny as it was, I still found it touching that he'd offered to help me get my revenge.

Even if he was an egotistical shit determined to get married to me only to increase his already great wealth.

His jaw was still clenched as he answered. 'I see the way you care for him.' He stated simply. 'I wanted to help.'

Just hearing another person say it - made me feel like crap.

From the minute I'd told Carlos about the possibility of us being mates he'd effectively rejected me and that had hurt. Really hurt.

Being reminded of this from a vampire who probably couldn't care less pissed me off even more, and I found myself pushing him angrily on the chest. 'Yeah well it's none of your concern,' I spat nastily as I tried to force my way around him with no success. 'So piss off.'

'Indigo, stop.'

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but the softness of his voice as well as his next actions had me frozen in shock.

My body hummed pleasantly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and my neck tingled as he stroked it softly.

'I'm sorry.' He said. But I wasn't listening. Instead, I was concentrating wholly on the pleasure that was radiating throughout my body at the feel of his touch.

'What's happening?' I asked him shakily. I'd felt something similar from the brief touches I'd had with Carlos, but it had never compared to this. Why had I never noticed this before?

I gasped softly as he pressed his lips gently into my neck and I relaxed into him. His hands gripped my waist tightly and before I could let it get any further I hastily pulled away.

'Are we..?' Adrian shook his head before I could continue.

'We are not mates.' He answered. The way he said it so bluntly nearly made me cringe in humiliation, but the pain in his eyes made me frown instead.

'Then what are we?' I was confused to say the least.

He saw my brow crease in confusion and gently pulled me close to him. 'We are Destined.' He said as he buried his face into my neck. 'It is something much stronger than the force of Mates, and much, much rarer.'

It was then that I let the realisation come to me. I didn't hate Adrian Frazer; I never had.

I had been attracted to him all this time.

It was like a sudden blow to my stomach. 'What does that mean?' I asked, but I already knew the answer.

Slowly, he kissed the length of my neck before responding gruffly. 'It means a war has begun between you and I because now you're mine, and I won't let you go.'

Again, the cold water effect. I was being drenched with another bucket of cold water as I pulled myself away from him for good.

'What?' I sounded disbelieving but at the same time the pleasure increased.

He kissed me again, ignoring my question.

I suddenly knew I would need a lot of willpower to fight this battle.


Did you enjoy? I love how she just talks down to him... "'Bless you child' " - lol! XD

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