Chapter 17 - New Possibilities

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Chapter 17 - New Possibilities

Seeing as I was currently staying in the city I thought that there would be plenty of opportunities to search for a part time job in order to build up my cash supply.

Whilst I had enough money to get by, I certainly didn't want to spend all of my allowance in one go on a hotel room, and it was about time that I got some independence.

My plan for the future was something like this: Stay in the hotel room I was in for a few days to think things through, and then get a part time job in a cafe or something like that somewhere in the city before opening up my own bank account.

Seeing as it was the beginning of the summer I'd already completed my exams and had finished sixth form so if things went smoothly, I was planning on discreetly releasing my personal driver of his services (Adrian had given him to me), after I'd somehow found somewhere to live and found a way to get my belongings there.

I was to be eighteen in less than a month so soon I knew that I would be able to go and do whatever I wanted, which was a small blessing. I had no intent to go back to Adrian.

After a long, long phone call to my parents explaining the situation (I'd told them that I'd decided to take a break and go and explore the cities before I settled down), I'd decided to switch the money they gave me to another bank account under my name so that they couldn't keep track of it. I also bought myself a new smartphone so that they couldn't track me down with it.

I can't say they were pleased - my father had been fuming and Roland had threatened to beat Adrian to a pulp if he found out that Adrian had done anything to me, but eventually I'd convinced them to let me do this on my own by some blessed miracle.

After all, I was no human girl and they both knew that I could more than take care of myself, and as long as I kept in touch with them (which I would do so with the help of Stacey who now knew where I was), then I would be left alone for a couple of weeks.

What I'd failed to mention to them was that I had no intention of getting married to Adrian (I'd just told them that the wedding was to be postponed for several months), and that I was planning on moving out of the area permanently. On my own.

Things would've gone downhill from there fast if I'd told them that, and I doubt that despite my preliminaries I wouldn't have managed to keep myself hidden in the hotel.

Knowing my father he would've probably gone on a rampage and knocked down everyone in his way until he'd found me.

Not that he wasn't going to do that eventually.

Like I said, he hadn't been thrilled with my sudden "escapade" and was probably suspicious of the whole situation, not that I could blame him. I would be too if I were him.

So now, just two days after leaving and about three hundred calls and messages from Stacey later, I was pacing the hotel room.

I'd applied for a small waitressing job in a cosy restaurant just a twenty minute walk away, and they were supposed to be ringing me back within the hour with a decision.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement, and I'd cursed myself for it a million times.

When the phone rang with an unknown ID I almost jumped with both surprise and relief.

It was probably them about to give me the job, I hoped.


'Where the hell are you?!'

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