Chapter 8 - The Confession

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This is where the fun starts.... ;)

Chapter 8 - The Confession

My face drained of colour slightly as both vampires stared at me with awe and reverence. I shakily stood to my feet. 'What?'

They both took a step back as I walked towards them and I froze. Neither of them spoke and for a while an uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Sweat poured down my back and dripped off my face as I reached for my towel.

'We need to get you a dance partner.' My brother breathed out as he shook his head in amazement.

I quirked my lips. 'Really?'

He nodded.

'Well, any ideas as to who?' I meant it sarcastically as I gestured towards the large room as if to say: 'who- in- the -right- mind- would- agree- to- come-here- at-odd-hours-without-our-parents'-permission?' But he spoke up anyway.

'Actually I know just the person,' he said as I looked at him in surprise. Quickly forgetting he was there, I suddenly switched my gaze to Carlos; needless to say that it turned into a glare.

'And what are you doing here?' I snapped. My parents had taught me better manners but I didn't necessarily have to use them. Not with Carlos.

He swallowed, trying desperately to get rid of his shocked expression. 'I, er,' he pointed to the ceiling. 'I heard you come in.' My shoulders quickly deflated as I realised what he meant. Even though I'd played the music quietly, the sound must've travelled through the ceiling and into his room.

Being a vampire meant that he would have picked it up almost immediately.

'How long have you been standing there?' I asked him. His sheepish smile told me enough. Frowning, I asked the same thing to Roland. 'And you?'

He held up his glass of water. 'I went to get a drink and then I came here when I heard you.' When I glared at him as well he held up his hands in defence. 'Hey, I wasn't standing here for as long as he was,' he said as he pointed to Carlos.

I turned away from the pair of them as I picked up my towel that I'd just dropped, and bent to switch off the CD player. 'Well I don't need an audience.' Sure enough, I heard the sound of footsteps retreating as one of them left.

Sighing irritably I turned to face the vamp that was still stood in the doorway. 'Why do you have to keep following me?' I snapped as I took in Carlos's curious expression.

A beam lit up his face. 'I don't know.' He grinned.

Sadness washed over me as I remembered his relationship with Eva. 'Leave.' I commanded him.

If he were a maid or even someone who was only slightly acquainted with our family, I'm sure he would've left immediately. But seeing as he knew us much better than that (and probably due to the fact that he was just Carlos), he chose to stay.

'Why can't you just do as I say?' I asked him in exasperation as he stepped through the door. 'I am a vampire princess after all,' I added as if that would have any effect. It didn't of course.

He sat on the floor cross-legged.

Leaving me with no other choice, I sat across from him, making sure to keep at least three metres distance from him. When he made to scoot over to me I stopped him. 'Stay where you are.' I told him sternly. He did.

Looking at me carefully, he cleared his throat before commenting. 'You're a good dancer.'

I snorted. 'Thanks.'

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