Chapter 6 - Feeling Blue

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Chapter 6~ Feeling Blue

I stayed in bed for a few days until my ribs had fully healed and most of the bruising had subsided - another advantage of being a vampire, I was a quick healer.

I was still tender in places and a few faint bruises lined my jaw, but I was well enough to get up and move around.

At least, I was well enough to dance.

As I entered my favourite room, I filled it with the slow melody of Christina Perri's, 'Jar of Hearts' as I switched on the CD player and took in a deep breath to feel the music.

Being grounded for two months meant that I couldn't be with Stacey or even go horse riding which was one of the worst things ever, so to fill up the time I had thought to make up a new dance routine.

'Because all that's waiting is regret...'

The song played and as Christina's velvety voice filled my ears I couldn't help but feel another twinge. What Carlos had asked for really bothered me - not the fact that he'd asked for so little, but the fact that he'd asked me to keep his relationship with Eva a secret.

It could only mean that the notorious player, Carlos Orlando, had finally met someone he really cared for and I tried not to analyse too closely how I felt about that.

'I learnt to live half a life, and now you want me one more time...'

As the chorus boomed softly I began to sway and twirl, almost as if mesmerised. I could feel her pain as I leaped gently and twisted, before arching my back in a backwards sweep; my long hair brushing against the floor.

'Who do you think you are, running round leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts; tearing love apart...'

As she spat the words graciously, I twisted, leaped and arched, bending my body in ways that I'm sure only a professional could accomplish.

Another perk of being a vampire.

Really feeling the music this time, I upped the pace of my rhythm and tried my best to reflect the hurt and anguish that could so easily be heard within the song's lyrics.

I crouched my body forward, wrapping my arms tightly around my chest before rolling to my left and getting up slowly, pointing my toes like a ballerina; my hair spreading loosely over my face.

When the song came to an end, I did one final leap twisting mid-air and jolted my arms roughly to the left before pulling them slowly towards my body.

'Who do you think you are? Who do you think, you are...'

The song finally ended and I watched the room in silence, including the way the bright morning sun hit the surface of the wooden floorboards, lighting them up and warming my skin. I was breathing heavily but not too heavily, and I slowly turned until I was stood facing the door.

I'd been so immersed in my dancing that I hadn't felt the presence of another. I froze like a deer in the headlights as I noticed who was standing in the doorway, before coming to my senses and letting out a small hiss.

Carlos was looking at me in both bemusement and admiration as I walked towards him. He was about to open his mouth when I snarled the words, 'Tell no onewhat you've just seen,' before slamming the door in his face.

Granted, it wasn't the best way to show gratitude towards my saviour, so I quickly re-opened the door to see him still standing there in shock before abruptly reciting, 'Thank you for saving me and Stacey,' before slamming the door in his face once again.

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