Chapter 11 - Small Breakthrough

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Chapter 11 - Small Breakthrough

I was still snivelling when I heard a knock at the door.

'Go away!' I yelled at whoever it was.

Seriously, what was the point in having my own room if I couldn't just get some privacy?

There was a pause followed by another knock. 'It's me.' He said.

I stiffened and instantly scowled against the covers. I knew that voice anywhere. It was the man-whore rich boy, Adrian.

After quickly climbing out of bed and rushing to the mirror to smooth down my hair, I hastily opened the door and glared daggers at the handsome vampire stood before me.

Even his cologne smelled expensive as I inhaled his mouthwatering scent that strangely reminded me of apples.

He cleared his throat. 'I, er, wanted to see how you were doing.'

To my utter surprise, Adrian stood slightly hunched without either a scowl or a smirk plastered to his face. There really is a first time for everything, I thought.

'I'm fine.' I snapped. I'd been getting "checked on" a lot over the past several days and I was getting sick of it.

His brown eyes seemed to gaze into mine intensely as he asked, 'May I come in?' The sight of him looking so awkward was something that I would no doubt treasure forever and I had to repress a grin.

'No.' I huffed instead as I crossed my arms. Hey, what can I say? I was one for drama. 'Anything else?' I sneered.

He hadn't winced as I'd said that in my snarkiest bitch tone which made me feel something along admiration for him. Even my brother took a step back when I used that tone on him.

Not that I'd done so recently.

With a heaving sigh he said, 'look, I understand you're upset -'

'Stop right there.' I held my hand up.

He paused.

'You have no idea how I feel and I for one cannot believe the nerve you've displayed when sneaking into our royal home just so that you could accomplish your fathers dreams of giving him more power.' Believe me, there was so much more that I wanted to say but at that moment a wave of wariness washed over me, followed by sadness.

I momentarily shut my eyes.


I cut him off again. 'Do me a favour.' I said abruptly, ignoring the pain that stabbed at my chest.

He glared at me with a mix of helplessness and yes, confusion. Wow.

Leaning in really close, I stood on my tip toes until my mouth was just a few inches away from his ear and whispered. 'And just piss off.'

He looked like he'd been smacked in the face before I took his surprise as my chance to slam the door in his face.

I'd been doing a lot of that too, I realised, slamming doors.

This time, with an air of satisfaction I climbed more slowly into bed and switched off the lamp before waiting to drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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