Chapter 20 - Old Habits Die Hard

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Short but sweet. :D


Chapter 20 - Old Habits Die Hard

Adrian ~

I stormed into the mansion, causing the maids to scatter and flee, before kicking open my study door and knocking all papers from the desk.

They littered the room and covered it in white.

Letting out a monstrous roar, I slammed my fists against the oak wood, causing it to shatter and splinter in half under the impact. It did nothing to ease my temper.

I'd been so close!

Indigo had been mine; in the palm of my hand, ready for me to take home and then she'd been snatched from me in the blink of an eye.

I hadn't even had time to react.

Angrily, I trashed the room and punched the wall repeatedly until the plaster fell away and my knuckles were bloody and raw. They quickly healed.

Whoever had taken her would pay with their life. That much I knew.

I would make sure of it.

I was in such a rage, I hadn't noticed that someone else was in the room until then.

Turning, I watched as a small shadow emerged from the corner, a sly smile spreading across their features.

'Hello handsome.' Ashley whispered. 'Miss me?'

I snarled, trying to ignore the way her breasts stood out proudly against her tight shirt, but the beast within me wanted blood ... and something else. Sexual release.

Instinctively, my fangs extended. 'Ashley, leave me.' But even as I said it, I didn't sound convincing. Her smile widened when she saw me taking small steps towards her.

As I reached to where she stood, she pressed her hand against my hardness. 'It doesn't look like you want me to.' She purred and then stroked me.

I snapped.

Roughly, I pulled her head back and sank my fangs into her neck, no doubt tearing flesh as she cupped me harder down there.

Whispering huskily into my ear she said, 'Use me,' and with that any self-control I may've had went out the window.

She growled quietly as I took my fill, rubbing my fingers into her centre, making sure to touch her clit.

When she whispered my name I threw her onto the couch and tore her clothes away before kissing her breasts and stomach.

All I could see was Indigo as I kissed her everywhere I could get my hands on, and when I placed my mouth over her centre and sucked, it was Indigo who was arching her back in pleasure and screaming out my name as she tangled her fingers in my hair.

I made her come over and over again before eventually thrusting myself into her so that I could find my own sweet release.

When we were done, our bodies were covered in sweat and only then did my beast subside and my fangs retract.

Wiping my blood-stained lips with the back of my hand, I got up to stand, running my hands through my hair.

Now that I could think clearly, I looked down at the red-haired beauty who was gazing up at me through half-closed lids and realised with a sinking stomach what I had done.

'Get out.'

Her eyes widened. 'But--'

'Leave.' And with that I left the room, being careful this time to reign in my temper.

I'd gone and done it again.

I'd betrayed Indigo.



'This place is huge.' I breathed as I stepped into the large living room.

Beside me, Liam grinned. 'I know.'

Lily rolled her eyes before strolling over to the sofa and plonked herself and my suitcase, on it. 'Can someone get me a glass of wine? It's been a busy night.'

Brandon reluctantly obliged whilst I sat down beside Lily. 'Will you stay here with us tonight?' I asked her, suddenly feeling nervous about the prospect of staying with a stranger.

She opened one eye which had been closed before nodding. 'I'm too tired to leave now. I'll just sleep in here.'

'Will you now?' Liam asked as he came to join us.

I cleared my throat. 'Thank you for letting me stay.'

He shrugged before taking a sip of Lily's wine.

'Hey!' She smacked him on the arm and took the glass away.

He smirked again before addressing me. 'You're welcome.'

When a few more minutes passed I awkwardly excused myself and went into my new bedroom, pulling my suitcase onto the floor before collapsing into bed for good.

I closed my eyes feeling for once, a rare sense of calm and before I knew it I was drifting off.

'Hello handsome. Miss me?' Ashley.

The beautiful red-head was stood in front of me and I realised with a start that I was experiencing this through Adrian's eyes.

I cringed as I felt his undeniably sense of lust. 'Ashley, leave me.' The voice wasn't my own - it belonged to Adrian, and I felt his fangs extend as Adrian took a small steps towards her.

The undeniable need for what he was about to do made me feel sick.

She pressed her hand against his crotch. 'It doesn't look like you want me to.' She purred and then stroked it.

At that point I knew that there was no turning back for either of them. I was fully aware of what Adrian was about to do and I just wanted to get away.

I nearly gagged when he drew blood from her neck which felt like the ultimate betrayal, and at her moans of ecstasy.

However hard I tried I couldn't leave, and was forced to feel everything that Adrian was feeling; held captive to watch my female rival who was beneath him, writhing at his touch.

The further they went the more numb I became, and I felt a sense of disgust as deep down Adrian desperately tried to convince himself that the girl in front of him was me.

I wanted out.

When it was all over, I was finally granted my reprieve and I slipped into the darkness once more before finding myself waking up in the early hours of the morning, surrounded by unfamiliar furniture.

Tears streaming down my face, I sat up in bed and stared emptily into the near-darkness. At that point I was truly broken, and I couldn't even summon up the energy to cry out loud which is what I desperately wanted to do.

Choking on my tears I knew one thing: I couldn't do this anymore.

I took a step towards the balcony.


Also, if you like boyxboy check out my friend's work, 'First Sight' by @xxHannahDxx

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