Chapter 30 - The Truth

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'Sometimes you can only let things go at the right moment...'

Chapter 30 ~ The Truth

As Carlos shut the door behind him I plonked myself heavily onto the bed. There were a few moments' hesitation coming from Carlos, before he cautiously sat in the plastic chair beside me.

I didn't waste any time. 'What do you want?' I asked.

He stared at me imploringly. 'Do you still love me?'

I was stunned. 'What?'

Sighing, he rubbed his face before staring up at the ceiling. 'You heard me.' His eyes met mine. 'Do you still love me?' The question was a mere whisper.

There were so many different things I could've said.

But instead I did the only thing I wanted to do and told him the truth.

'Yes.' I told him.

I prayed Adrian couldn't here me from where he was standing. 'But I love Adrian more.' Startled, I looked away, embarrassed. That certainly hadn't meant to come out. In fact I wasn't even aware that I did love Adrian, until now.

My chest panged.

But it was true nonetheless.

And yet it was more than that.

Adrian drew me in in a way that would've intrigued me even if we hadn't been Destined. It's just who he was. When I looked at him closely -- really looked, I could tell that he was fiercely devoted to those he cared about (even if he sometimes showed it the wrong way); he was artistic, philosophical; passionate. I loved Adrian -- the good and the bad. I couldn't imagine it any other way.

Yes, a part of me still loved Carlos -- us being mates would always ensure that. But me being with Adrian removed the ache I felt for Carlos; the loss I was sure he had left behind when he'd chosen Eva over me.

But, I realised, Adrian didn't just fill that hole -- he overflowed it. He was everything to me, even though we'd had a very rocky start and still had a long way to go before we could even find a way to make our relationship work. I knew that.

Looking Carlos in the eye, I told him what I thought needed to be said at that moment. 'Carlos,' he looked up. 'I won't give up my child. You care for me, and you want to protect me from the consequences of this choice, but I can't let you do that.

This is my decision and I'm sticking to it. Nothing you can say will change that. Please stop this.'

He rubbed his jaw in frustration. 'For me?' He pleaded. His eyes looked wet as he spoke. 'Please...' He whispered. When he looked away I gently took his hand. He took in a shuddering breath.

'I'm sorry.' I told him plainly. 

He exhaled roughly. 'You know, I think I've always loved you.' It was said so quietly I thought I'd misheard.

I waited for him to continue.

'Since we were kids. There was something that drew me to you.' Tears slipped down his cheeks as he looked at me, smiling softly. He roughly wiped them away before continuing. 'But I made sure to never show it.'

There was a long silence as he really saw me for the first time. 'I'm sorry.' Those two words were enough to convey everything. His tone held regret.

He was apologising for leaving me when I needed him most; apologising for choosing Eva over me. But most of all I think he was sorry it couldn't be me who was his. I knew that.

'Eva comes first.' I told him gently. He glanced up, nodded once. I tilted his chin so that he was looking at me. 'And that's OK.' I whispered. 'Because Adrian comes first for me.'

He nodded again, frowning.

Slowly, I placed his hand on my still-flat stomach. 'And now so does my child. They come first too.'

This time, I think he got it.

His lip trembled as he stood up, placing a kiss on my forehead. Making sure he had my full attention, he told me that he'd be here for me before making his way over to the door.

Nodding a farewell, he opened and left just like that.

Not a second later, Adrian came in looking awed. I instantly knew that he'd overheard everything.

'You still love him.' He stated as he state down in the same chair Carlos had been occupying. It was strange, he didn't sound as angry as I thought he would.

Mutely, I nodded.

That awed look was back. 'Yet you love me more...' He was staring at the wall behind me as if it contained the secrets to the universe. Grinning widely, I nodded again.

He pulled me in for a hug. 'I love you, indigo.' He whispered in my ear. 'I'll never let anyone hurt you again.'

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly as I whispered back, voice trembling. 'I love you too.'

Finally! I've been wanting to write this scene for a while, although the setting for me was completely unexpected. :3
Hope you enjoyed!


Seriously though, a HUGE thank you to everyone has read this up until this point, I'm ready grateful! Without you, this story would be nowhere and I'm not even sure if this story would have made it this far. That goes to you as well silent readers! Your reads are greatly appreciated ^^


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