Chapter 1 -Bring on the Ball

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Dedicated to my wonderful best friend outside of Wattpad who is very supportive of my writing and is always there. I love you! :) xoxo

Chapter 1 - Bring on the Ball

"But I don't want to go to court," I stomped my foot on the floor to emphasise my point. "It's boring."

My beautiful mother rolled her puppy brown eyes, arching a perfect eyebrow. "Indigo-Rose, one day you will marry and will have no choice but to attend at least one of these meetings with your husband at some point. As is customary."

I sighed. "But I'm seventeen and I'm not married yet, so why do I have to go now?"  I sat down hopelessly on on my parent's large, very plush bed as my mother sat at her dressing table painting her nails.

"I will not tell you again, Indigo-Rose. Your father has requested you attend and so you shall."

"Can't Roland attend?"

She'd always had a soft spot for my half-brother. Not that I minded of course, I loved my brother loads.

Her features momentarily slackened from their frown as I mentioned his name. "I have already told you Indigo, Roland has some important business to attend and your father has asked you to take his place."
As she held up her perfectly painted burgundy nails she blew on them gently. "Now please stop going on, you are tiring me."

There was nothing else to it. I would have to go.

Blowing a few stray strands away from my forehead I leaned back onto their bed until I fwas lying down. Im sure my whole body screamed defeat. "How did you and dad meet?" I asked suddenly.

If I was to go to the meeting I had to at least keep my mind off it until then.

Plus, I was a romantic at heart and the story had never failed to entertain me. My mother was gazing at me with a soft smile on her face. "Tell me," I persisted.

She did.


I was brought back into the present when one of the dukes sitting to my right spoke up and addressed my father who was sat next to me. 'Your Majesty, if I may mention it, our blood stocks are getting low in the private vampire hospital two miles south from here and we need to restock.'

My father, the King, looked at the small, plump man seriously before nodding. 'Very well, I will bring someone over from the county hospital to order a new stock within the next twenty four hours.' The chubby man seemed satisfied with this answer and looked down at his notes.

Ok, so let me put this straight.

We are basically a race of vampires that blend in with the human world - rather deviously, if I do say so myself.

The sheer amount of time we spend on this earth means that we were all able to maintain and run successful businesses or get high standing positions within society, which gives us a heck load of money.

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