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OK, so upon reading a lot of comments, I found that there were several questions that kept cropping up. That's entirely my fault seeing as I failed to fully develop my character's thoughts and feelings throughout the book (this is a mistake I will no doubt learn from, I promise).

Here are some of the answers to your questions:

1. Carlos and Indigo are related, why does she like him?

Indigo and Carlos aren't in fact blood related. Carlos's father is best friends with Indigo's father - so Indigo and Carlos don't share any biological genes.

2. ...That's still gross, they grew up together. Doesn't that still make them cousins?

It depends on which way you look at it.

When Carlos, Indigo and Roland were young they spent a lot of time together, but as they grew older (when they reached about 10?) they all grew apart. In my head, Carlos saw Indigo maybe like once or twice after they were about 10 or 11, because Carlos was always away doing "business." He was a young but very important vampire after all. In my head, Indigo doesn't have close family feelings for Carlos, more like feelings of being reunited with an old friend. She loves her "Uncle" which is Carlos's father (Orlando) although the fact that they're not related still impacts on her feelings for her "Uncle" if you get me? They don't share the same feelings for one another as a real Uncle/niece/cousin would share - not just because they're not biologically related, but because they all just don't see it that way.

3. Why are you characters such assholes?

Well, that one I can't really answer. xD
When I was writing this story I had it all set out in my head - the sheltered young vampire would finally have this bubble shattered around her when for the first time she had to make a lot of tough decisions. I'm not going to lie - the story is overly dramatic, and if this was someone else's story then I would've scoffed at how spoilt Indigo is, and how disregarding Carlos and Adrian are. It also doesn't send a positive message to young readers on what to expect in relationships which I'm sorry about.

Let me reassure you that I'm the reconstruction ALL of these errors will be fixed so that it is a story worth reading (e.g. is less clichéd).

4. What happened to Ashley?

Wow, this character really caused a lot of hate (I hate her too xD). Ashley got sent to the courts to he dealt with there. She had a trial and was of course executed for treason. The reason why I didn't add this scene in was because I thought it wasn't too important, but looking back on it, I think it was.

If you have any more questions please type them in THIS comments section so that I can put the answers in this part.
Hope this clears everything up!


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