Chapter 28 - Recovery [Part 2]

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Chapter 28 - Recovery [Part 2]

Time passed slowly.

When I finally thought I could speak without exploding, I asked him calmly. 'What?'

He inched away, rubbing the back of his neck in the process -- something he never did. He looked nervous; it looked like his previous conviction had long gone. Good.

'I mean it, Indigo. It's my fault that you're suffering like this and I can't let you do so for any longer.'

How could he say this?

My fists clenched and unclenched. 'You want to kill your own child for me?' I grit out.

He flinched.

If he said yes I didn't think I could ever forgive him. But that's what it looked like he was trying to say. I felt sick.

Finally, he sighed. He looked defeated. 'I'm sorry, Indigo.' That was it. That was all he had to say for himself.

'Get out.'

He glanced at me looking surprised. Surprised?! 'What?'

I narrowed my eyes at him. 'I said, get. Out. Are you deaf?'

Reluctantly, he stood. 'I've told your parents about the child.' He said matter-of-factlly. 'They will be coming up to meet you shortly.' I fumed. How could he? When he hesitated before saying anything else, I instantly became suspicious.

'What?' I asked him, expression hard.

He sighed. 'They know.'

'They know what?' I snapped. Words can't even begin to describe how much I disliked him right now.

Carefully, he took another step back. I noticed it and narrowed my eyes further. 'They know about the procedure.'

At that point my heart shattered. The silence in the room became too heavy.

Discreetly, I wiped my sweaty palms on the hospital sheets. 'I won't be going through with any procedure.' I told him steadily. So my parents knew.

They wanted my child to die too.

They'd betrayed me.

I didn't think I could bear to look at anyone anymore.

'Leave me.' I commanded.

He did as he was told.

When I was all alone I released a deep breath and cursed when I felt the familiar sting tears filling my eyes. Why was it that everything had to be so hard ? Why couldn't something have just gone right just this once?

If I died, it was likely that my child wouldn't have anyone to look out for him -- his father didn't want him and neither did his grandparents, my parents. Could I really do that to them? Leave them on their own?

As selfish as it was, I didn't think I could live with myself if I killed them, so the answer was yes. There was no other option.

Looking down at my stomach, I flinched at the sight of the large wounds that had been stitched together tightly. Seeing as I'd been stabbed with silver I knew they would take a long time to heal.

That could only mean that I would no doubt have four scars across my midsection for the rest of my life.

I smiled.

Despite this, my child had survived, and something was telling me that they were a fighter. 

To me, if they could survive this then they could no doubt survive anything. Reassured by this I closed my eyes and allowed myself to get some sleep.

It looked like my decision had been made for me once and for all.

Ta da!

This wasn't my best chapter. It was extremely hard to write (both parts) so sorry if this chapter isn't as good. :/

Also: Let's just say in the next chapter things are going down.. Hint: it involves Carlos.
Nope, despite what you think I haven't forgotten about him...


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