Chapter 18 - Confrontation

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RE-EDITED: 25/1/15


Breathe fire,

Tell me that you hate me.

Spoil me rotten and act like I don't


Your feelings.

Treacherous anxiety for the

feelings of love

I hold.

Tell me that you love me,

Tell me that you love me.

Self-absorbed; motives: none.

Voices trilling, drilling; spilling

The fears of one.

Tell me that you love me,

Yet despise this presence of mine.

Tell me that you hate me;

Never in time,

Have you felt so lost without me.

Have you felt so lost without me.

Make me feel hopeless;

Cause me to struggle in my


All because you hate me -

Of course hating

     what's never there.

Oh voice of mine -

Put down your woes.

Put your struggles aside

Because there are those.

Who can still tell me that they love


And so the saying goes:

You are only ever lost without me.

You will only ever be lost without me.

     And I only with you... - [Me]

Chapter 18 - Confrontation

My heart was pounding loudly in my ears and I was sure that any second now they would look my way and Adrian and his bitch would spot me. I couldn't very well hide in the doorway forever.


I looked up to see the gangly old shop keeper standing over me.

'We're closing now.'


Swallowing nervously, I stepped out of the doorway. 'O-of course. Sorry.'

Seeing as I was mates with the ass (well, Destined) my scent was  hidden amongst the humans, but not for long. If I didn't move now then he would detect it almost instantly.

I was running out of time.

For some reason since I was hidden from his sight, I stupidly spent the time to study him. As my eyes roamed across him I noticed that his hair was slightly unkempt and his skin was paler than usual.

He also had bags under his eyes which made him look even older.

I wondered what was wrong with him.

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