Chapter 3 - An Unpleasant Surprise

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Dedicated to RobThier for being such an amazing; inspiring writer! I particularly love storm and silence :3

Also, can you spot the foreshadowing..? ;D

Chapter 3 ~ An Unpleasant Surprise

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed which was a nice surprise and hopped out of bed feeling slightly cheerful.

After getting ready with the help of a few maids (notEva), I went downstairs and passed the ballroom. It seemed to be cleared up of all of last night's mess.

When I entered the large dining room everyone was already sat down, including Roland who actually looked quite cheerful. That was probably because he'd spent the whole of last night catching up with Uncle Miguel.

'Morning,' I said to no one in particular as I sat down and picked up the jug of orange juice. I helped myself to some sausages, eggs and cooked tomatoes before eating. I'd already had a bag of blood in my room before I'd come down so I was refreshed enough to eat normal food.

My mother, who looked extremely glamorous in her long-sleeved; tight black turtle-neck dress smiled across the table at me. 'Darling, how did you find last night?'

I almost choked on my orange juice as I remembered that I hadn't stayed up very long at all. My father, as if reading my thoughts, gave me a cheerful wink. 'I, um...' I desperately tried to remember the details of last night. 'I had fun,' I managed at last. 'And the music was great.'

Seeming pleased with this, she gave a small nod before opening her mouth to say something else. Before she was able to, Uncle Miguel walked in to sit at the opposite end of the table next to my father.

I brightened as I remembered that he usually stayed with us for a few weeks after we celebrated each holiday and my mood, if possible, reached a new peak. 'Hi Uncle!' I yelled at him from across the table.

He looked at me and gave me a fond wave. 'It's good to see you up so early Indigo-Rose. It certainly is unusual.' My father and he shared a chuckle at the reference to my habit of staying in bed until mid-afternoon and I pouted playfully.

'Meanie.' I said. He winked back at me.

Contrary to popular belief, vampires are actually allowed to stay out in the sun and we do in fact go to bed at regular times like everyone else, so it had always confused me when humans thought that we could only come out at night.

Just as I grinned at the fact that my Uncle was here to stay, I remembered something crucial. If my Uncle was here to stay then that could only mean that so was someone else. Swallowing a piece of sausage, I fought back a scowl.

It could only mean that...

'Good morning, everyone.' The familiar sultry voice echoed throughout the dining room as Carlos came to sit by his father, coincidently sitting across from my brother who gave him a silent death glare.

Right then, I just knew that these next few weeks were about to get extremely painful.


'Faster, Crystal!' I yelled as my beautiful white stallion galloped across the estate, causing my hair to be whipped viciously by the wind.

Pressing my legs together I squeezed her sides, cueing her to gallop even faster.

We sped through the forest that surrounded our estate and jumped over the stream that was laced among the hidden thick trees. When we eventually left the forest, I felt the sun shining brightly on my face which also caused Crystal's mane to shimmer in the breeze.

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