Chapter 34 [Part 1] - Goodbye

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Chapter 34 [Part 1] - Goodbye


The heart monitor droned on, ricocheting through my skull as I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair, holding our daughter in my arms.

Inside the room across from me, doctors rushed around, frantically trying to restart Indigo's heart. Consumed with sorrow, I paid attention to nothing else except for the damn heart monitor and its continuous drone because that was the only thing I could focus on to keep me sane.

And then I realised: Indigo was dead.



She'd left me to parent our child alone and I wasn't getting her back.

From the chair beside me, my phone sat staring up at me accusingly.

I was currently sat in a private ward and at the time, only one of us had been able to come up with Indigo as she was rushed in.

Of course, I'd made sure that it had been me, but that meant that downstairs, Indigo's family were waiting anxiously for any news. All I had to do was make one phone call -- one damn phone call. But I couldn't do it.

How could I?

Lifting up the phone, I mentally urged myself to dial the number.

But what could I say? I thought angrily to myself. How on earth could I tell them?

"Indigo's dead." I practised out loud, rasping it through my lips. They felt dry.

I was parched, but not even the agony and discomfort of the bloodlust could stir me from moving.

I was lifeless. It felt as if a part of me had died too.

Resting peacefully against my arms our daughter lay fast asleep -- unaware that her mother was fighting for her life in the room next door from us.

My lips trembled as hot tears blurred my vision. I felt so weak, helpless and empty.

How was I going to do this alone?

"Please come back, Indigo." I whispered out loud to the empty waiting room. It was no use, I knew it but there was no way I could do this alone.

Any minute now the doctors would come from the room with grim expressions and my whole world would come crashing down on me.

Because there was no way that they could be successful -- not now. Indigo had been dead for too long even I could work that out.

With a firm resolve, I picked up the phone next to me and raised it to my ear. Licking my lips, I closed my eyes briefly before feeling the weight of the world as well as my grief, come crashing down on my shoulders.

I was going to be a father, left to parent our child alone.

That meant I would witness everything that Indigo would never be able to.

Our child growing up.

With a broken heart I dialed her parent's number, almost jumping when I heard a sudden 'beep' coming from the room next door.

Narrowing my eyes at the wall in front of me, I held my breath, daring myself to hope against hope.

There was another 'beep' followed by another and another and my heart burst from its constrictions.

Indigo. Indigo was alive.



Also, I have a new twitter account it's : @Crazy_author231
-- please follow and help me spread the word about 'Tall, Dark and Arrogant.'


[Not quite the end by the way!]

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